The Heist and the Encounter (part 2)

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"Alright everybody down!" Ronnie yells shooting up at the ceiling.

Workers scream and drop to the floor. I point my guns at two women whimpering on the floor. I felt bad but right now wasn't the time for sympathy. Guards try to attack Marquis and I hear his gun go off. It makes me jump. It's amazing how humans can just kill one another and not feel any remorse. Then I begin to wonder, if I'm created with some human abilities could one of the possibly be death? One of the women moves and I cock my guns.

"Move and I'll shoot!" I yell sternly at the two middle aged women. They cry and weep and pray allowed. My heart sinks. But no time for sympathy. Don't Fuck up.

"Minerva behind you!" Tori yells. I turn quickly and drop to the floor avoiding a blow from one of the guards. I stick my leg out and knock him off his feet. He grabs his gun and I shoot him in the chest before he gets the chance to pull the trigger. I look out the window and see flashing red a blue lights.

"Yo Paris we gotta go!" Marquis yells grabbing duffle bags and running toward the back exit. The others follow. Paris grabs the last duffel and we begin to run until we hear "Freeze!" Paris and I stop in our tracks. My heart speeds up as we both stand frozen in place. My hands transform, and become normal.

Shaky. But normal.

"Drop the bag, turn around slowly." We hear a females voice. I cut my eyes at Paris and she grins. That's not a surprise I'm sure she's gotten in trouble with the law plenty of times. But this smile was different, wasn't as playful. Kind of a "holy shit mom's gonna kill me" and a "I just beat your ass in hide and seek" type of smile.

We turn slowly and see police officers dressed in white and black uniforms. Their guns were clear and you could see all the components inside. They stand guns drawn and there was a young woman in the center of them. Her uniform was also white and black, but she had on shorts, black boots, and a button up shirt that showed her breast a little. Her skin fair, her eyes dark, and her hair long and blonde. She was stunning yet intimidating.

"I knew it was you Paris. Didn't we catch you last week?" The woman asks walking toward us slowly. Arms still raised Paris grins "Yeah and you're obviously bad at it if you let me slip away like that." Paris chuckles and stares at the woman playfully.

Surprisingly the woman returns the playful stare. They were almost identical it kind of freaked me out. Come to think of it, Paris and the woman looked a like.

"Trust me we won't let you get away this time. This little game of tag your playing ends tonight Paris."

"Oh blah blah blah. Here we go with the same speech again. Look Nicole you ain't gonna catch me. Even if you have me cornered I'm still gonna get away. So call off your little white Roze's and let me move along."

Nicole steps closer to Paris and glares. White Roze? Wait so this must be...

"Not this time, little sister." Nicole turns Paris around and cuffs her. Paris' grin remains on her face and an officer comes to arrest me. Should I run? But they will shoot. I look at Paris pleading with my eyes. For once please, please give me an order!

Paris heard my silent pleads and says "Minerva...attack." Suddenly I had no control over my human thoughts. All I see is red. Nicole backs away her eyes widened some.

"She's an Android! Take cover!" She yells. Officers hide behind counters and potted plants. I draw my guns and begin shooting toward every designated hiding spot. Everywhere I look there were dead humans. Their white uniforms now stained with dark red.

The mark of the Red Roze Gang.

I aim my gun at Nicole and walk toward her. She backs away slowly tripping over a corpse in the process. "One civilian remains. Proceeding with termination." I say allowed. I saw the fear in her eyes, but I didn't care. I was given an order to attack. So I will. I cock the gun and Nicole stares at the barrel.

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