chapter four

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1 week later

Aria's pov.

So, Ethan and Grayson are now the most popular guys in school. Every single girl has a crush on one of them. Grayson became cockier, but Ethan didn't change, and let's hope he doesn't. We talk almost every single day, but if we don't, he just waves at me and smiles. And, usually, Meredith sees that, and gets jealous, saying things like.
"She's using him because he's hot"
"Aria's such a bitch"
"He'll still be mine"
And even more delusional shit.

But I think I really am falling for him. Jack teases me because of it. Every time I'm texting Ethan , I always find myself smiling and blushing.

Here I am, sitting at lunch with Blake, stuck in my own thoughts.
"Aria!" Blake yells at me while waving her hand in my face.
"Yeah?" I ask confused and frustrated.
"You were drooling, and I think it's about Ethan." Blake smirks, squinting her eyes.
"No, I was just thinking about the ice cream I have in my freezer, and Chika." I smile as the memories of me and Chika come back in my head.
"Yeah right, Aria, I've known you for 8 years, I know when you're nervous or when you're lying, you always bite the inside of your cheek." She laughs and looks in to my eyes.
"Shit, I guess you caught me" I raise my left eyebrow and smile, and let out a soft chuckle.
"Look, there he is!" Blake pointed at Ethan, who was laughing at Grayson's joke, god, he looks so adorable.
"Hey!" He looks at me and smiles. Then he looks at Grayson, and Grayson gives him a look of approval. He then jogs to where Blake and I were seated.
"What's up?" He asked me as he was putting his backpack on the ground.
"Nothing much, what about you?" I said fidling with my food.
"Nothing actually, expect the fact that Dennis (yes, Mr. Scuppie) gave me a fucking F" He said with a stern voice, looking me dead in the eyes.
"What did you do?" I laughed while I rubbed his hand to calm down.
"I called him by his name and I also didn't do the homework." He calmed down in the feeling of my touch on his arm.
"You didn't!" Blake yelled at Ethan, laughing.
"I did, he was a total bitch today!" He chuckled, looking at Blake.
"Yeah, I can agree, I was in his class, too." Blake sighed, looking around and then at her watch.
"Hey, Aria?"
"I have to go meet up with Claire, she has something to say." She spoke calmy and I could hear a bit of stress in her voice.
"Yeah, sure" I smiled and stood up, waiting for a hug.

We hugged and said our goodbyes.

"Wanna go the guys' table?" Ethan asked, pointing at Gray and Jack, they were laughing their butts off.
"Will they accept me?" I looked in his eyes, they were filled with happiness and love (???)
"I'm sure they'll love you, Aria." He smiled when he said my name. God, I love it when he does that.
"Come on, let's go." He stood up and offered his hand, I gave him mine and we jogged to the guys. Pretty much every girl was looking at us, especially at me, whispering things such as:

"Aria's again with Eth, she doesn't deserve him."
"He's using her, relax, he'll be mine soon.

Speaking about the two of us, everyone thinks we're a couple. And I get it, we act all touchy-feely most of the time. Ethan became my best friend in only two and a half weeks. We've been texting more lately.
And I have to admit, I really am falling for him.
We approached the guys and Ethan coughed as if he was asking for attention.
"Hey, guys, listen up, this is my gi-, um, best friend, Aria, please respect her, and she'll be sitting with us for now." He ended his sentence with a wide smile. Ethan sat down and I noticed there were no seats left, I sighed and spoke.
"Ethan, there's clearly no seats left, I'll go and find Blake." I smirked and turned around to go to the exit of the cafeteria.
"Wait, no! There is a seat actually." Ethan yelled, and I could feel his gaze on me.
"Oh yeah? Where is it then?" I turned around, confused.
"Right here." He smirked, and the guys chuckled, knowing what he was up to. Ethan patted his lap and spread his arms open, inviting me in. I just sighed and gave in. I sat down down on Ethan's lap and he attemted to hug me from behind, and he succeeded.
"Whoah, we have some love birds already." Jack chuckled, later taking a sip of the pepsi he had in his hand.
"Oh shut up." I snickered, tosing a skittle in my mouth. Ethan tightened his grip on me, acting like he was protecting me.
"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" Aaron asked, confused.
"No, I'm actually pretty nice, but I'm just not in the spirits today." I said, a smile shining on my face as I felt Ethan loosen his grip, and a few seconds later, he started rubbing my back in small circles.
"Ari, toss me a skittle." Jack laughed, getting ready to catch the piece of candy in his mouth.
"Ew, that's un-hygienic." I cringed, but sighed, knowing Jack wouldn't give up and I would have to give in sooner or later. I grabbed a skittle and focused on his mouth, and finally, I threw it, Jack caught the skittle and yelled, laughing a few moments later.
"Aria, can I have a quick talk with you?" Ethan asked calmly, yet strongly.
"Yeah, okay?" I answered, confused by his actions.
I stood up and fixed my shirt. Ethan stood up, and we walked out of the cafeteria. A few moments later, we were walking down the halls, as I waited for Ethan to speak. I sighed and I spoke, knowing that Ethan wasn't the type to be the first to talk about things.
"Hey, so what did you want to talk about?" I stopped and he turned around, to face me.
"I don't like how you're acting with the guys." He said, scratching the back of his head nervously
"Excuse me? I was just interacting with Jack, and all of a sudden, you don't like how I'm 'acting'?" I yelled, mocking his tone.
"Listen! I just got jealous-" He yelled, defending himself, but stopped mid-sentence.
"Why did you get jealous?" I calmed down, and softened my face, so he could calm down too.
"Because... Because I fucking love you!" He yelled,  the whites of his eyes turning red and tears forming.
"You... You love me?" I asked quietly, stumbling over my words.
"Will this make you believe me?" He spoke flustered, his cheeks blushing. And suddenly, his lips crashed onto mine, shocked at first, but soon enough, my eyes slowly closed and I answered to the kiss, it wasn't lustful, it was full of love and desire. Ethan wrapped his arms around me, protectively. I twirled my fingers into his hair, making him smile into my lips.
We pulled back, short of breath, and looked into each others eyes. He placed his hand on my right cheek, and I spoke.
"I love you, too." I smiled and pulled him into a tight hug and laughed into his sweater.
"I loved you since the day I met you, Aria." He said, I knew he was smiling, he kissed my forehead and the bell rang.

What's uppp!1!1!1 😂 So, shit went down in this part 😏 I'll probably update this upcoming week.
Until then,
PEACE! ✌🏼️😁

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