Chapter 1

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I get a text message from my friend, Hannah. I had just finished telling her that I told the guy I liked how I felt about him, he didn't like me back but that's fine. She asked me if I would like to Skype with her and her friend Dave, I knew she liked Dave and I had heard her talk about him a lot, the only problem was that he lived in Northern Ireland and we lived in Scotland. I responded with sure but I'm in my pj's. I grab my laptop from my desk and turn it on while I wait for it to load, I tie my hair up in a ponytail and then login into my laptop and Skype. We spend the night on Skype until Hannah has to go to bed, we all say goodbye and I spend some time on Tumblr then get ready for bed.

The next day I wake up and get ready for school, it's Thursday and tonight I'm going to an information night about a school I want to move to. I text Hannah and ask her if she will be in today, we are only doing our GCSEs and will be doing our as levels next year if we get back in to school. She replies saying yes but she has to leave after lunch for something. We are in French and geography together then I have technology after lunch. In geography we get told off for talking when we were meant to be doing work but its lunch now and it's my favourite time of the day. Hannah stays in school for lunch and we talk about last night.

"So what do you think about Dave?" She asks me.

"He's alright, I don't really know him that well but I'm sure he is a nice guy although I would be careful since you haven't met him before." I say to her, not to be rude but just to warn her because weird things happen online and I don't want anything to happen to her.

"I will, I promise. Will you be on skype tonight or?"

"I don't know because I'm going to the information night but either before or after I should be able to" I smile and say to her. She says she has to go now as the bell goes for class and I go to technology. It is alright we are in the middle of doing our controlled assessment and it's been taking up so much time. Finally the bell goes for the end of the day and I walk home. I get a message from Hannah saying, "Skype?" I get changed and login.

It is just the same as last night, we are laughing and having fun. I am still upset about Jake not liking me back but what can you do? You can't force someone to like you and go out with you. Hannah and Dave are speaking in private message as well as on the call. They ask me if it is alright if Dave brings in his friend called Luke, I don't see the point in asking but say sure anyway I ask what age he is since Dave is older. Dave said he was around 19. Luke comes on call and I must say he was pretty good looking but I say hi and mainly talk to Hannah. They ask me why I'm dressed up which reminded that I have to leave. I decide to leave my laptop on since the call was still going and walked to the school.

When I arrived at the school I got directed into the assembly hall were the principal was and all the subject teachers. He talks for a bit then we get to go around the subjects. I grabbed some leaflets for Geography, Maths, History and Religious Studies. I say goodbye to a few girls who are from the same school as me and make my way home. I arrive into the house and pick Boris and Pringle my guinea pigs up and bring them upstairs to my bedroom were the call is still going. Luke asks me who they are and how old they are and I say they are only 12 weeks old. They run around my bedroom a bit before I bring them back to their pen in the back hall. I walk upstairs and Hannah says she has to go, once again we all say bye and the call ends. Luke and I talked for a bit in the group chat, it was mainly him sending links to some of the music he listens to and me getting scared by them. Its midnight now and I say I have to go as I still have school tomorrow.

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