Random Poems

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  • Dedicated to The asshole I love from a far, btw I'm not a stalker,he's just oblivious to how

*These are just amateur poems that I come up with for people to see...........


Poem 1:


My Own, Personal Friendzone:

Friendzone, friendzone let me out!

Friendzone, friendzone hear me shout!

I want out! I want out!


I try and try, but this love won’t die

My heart beats fast when he’s near

“He doesn’t think that way!” I always fear.


Tried to tell him, really did!

I couldn’t, wouldn’t! I’m afraid of rejection and pain

But I’m also afraid of what I’ll never gain…..


He’s been my best friend for oh so long!

He doesn’t know of my love so strong!


I watch in jealousy as he rises from his seat

A new little slut he’s going to meet….

My heart constricts, it feels so dead

Because my love he’ll never get…..


I wish upon a star, it doesn’t work that way

The secret was mine to say

I had to talk, I needed to know!

Whether love is planted or rejection grows!



That poem was based on my real life experience with a douchebag who doesn't even know I fucking like him! Always have! Since kindergarten! DAMNIT!

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