Chapter 1

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Almost 13 years had passed since Viola had been left in the tank. The building no longer existed, having been bombed by enemy planes 8 years after. It was lucky however that the hidden cavern had been found by scientists looking for prehistoric artifacts in the year 3005. It had been a surprise to them when they found not dead and not alive humans, while they had been looking for dead humans and not alive humans and artifacts. Naturally, the scientists released the children from the tanks to various orphanages and foster homes. Viola had been transferred to Goodman Orphanage with a few other children who wanted nothing to do with her. So Viola had no friends to hang out with at all, not even on her 13th birthday.

Bang! Bang! Bang! "Wake up, orphans!"
Viola sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes. It felt like she hadn't had a wink of sleep. "What are you waiting for," the harsh voice of Georgia Summers, the overseer, snarled, "there's work to be done!" She banged her pots one more time for good measure, and yelled, "10 minutes till roll call!" That got everyone scrambling to get ready. The rule was that if you weren't present for roll call, you got no meals. Viola jumped down from the top bunk, and opened her trunk. She didn't own much, just 7 pairs of the uniform for each day of the week. The uniforms consisted of identical white shirts with the Goodman crest and a plaid skirt with white leggings and black shoes. She hurriedly changed behind her screen. And went to the mirror to do her hair, along with the other girls in her dormitory. At Goodman, the rule was that everyone had to look the same, act the same, and stay the same. In other words, she lived a very depressing life. For the millionth time, Viola wished she didn't live at Goodman, and at some other orphanage. Or, better yet, still live with her parents and not have to live at a boring orphanage. Finally, A girl moved over and she got a space to redo her bun. "Move it, Viola," a loud voice said behind her, and Felicity, one of the meanest and oldest girls shoved her out of the way. Felicity was 14 and extremely bossy. She loved taunting people and tattling on them. There was no use tattling on her because Felicity was the favorite of the overseers. With a sigh of resignation, Viola moved to untie her hair, when Felicity turned around and said "you're  going to be in so much trouble!"
"What do you mean?" Viola said instantly panicked.
"Uh, look at your hair, weirdo!" She said loudly so that all the girls looked around and at Viola.
"Oh my god!"
"What did you do?"
"It's red!"
"Red? What do you mean red?" Viola said snatching at her bun, and pushing past the girls to look in the mirror.
She gasped. Instead of her shoulder-length, curly brown hair, her hair was long and gingery and straight. "What-what happened!" She spluttered, staring at her reflection in disbelief.
"You mean you didn't do it?" A girl named Sarah asked.
"Of course I didn't do it, look at how surprised I am!" Viola cried, running her fingers through her hair. The girls just gaped at her.
"What if it's just a birthday prank?" A girl named Cassie piped up. Viola groaned, not about her birthday (which she'd completely forgotten about, it wasn't like Goodman celebrated it or anything). No, she groaned because she'd be given no meals because her hair was different than the standard length, style, and her hair had somehow changed color overnight.
"Come on, everyone, we don't want to be late" Felicity said. She didn't care about being late, (she would just be pardoned), she just wanted to hear someone be told off. And sure enough...
"What in the blazes did you do to your hair, Veronica!" Overseer Georgia yelled, "it's red!" She remembers my hair color, but can't remember my name, even after 11 years, Viola thought bitterly. She hadn't bothered to tie her hair, because it was so bright, that it would stand out. "I asked you a question, Vanessa!" Georgia said into Viola's face. She shrugged. "Unacceptable, you brat, I'm taking you to the main office of the Goodman family, we'll see what they'll do to you!" She snarled and she began steering Viola to the main house. "The rest of you," she barked, over her shoulder. "Start scrubbing the floor, I want it sparkling clean when I come back with Viviana."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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