Chapter 1

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Their father had always told them they would one day use their training in battle. Genji knew that much. What he didn't know, however, was that he'd be using it against his own brother.

Hanzo was mad at him- for what, he didn't know. But then again, Hanzo always did blame him for pretty much everything. It just wasn't every time he was mad enough to go after him with a sword. In any case, it didn't really matter now. Genji just wanted to know what was wrong- or more importantly, how he could fix it.

"Hanzo, what did I do?" He asked for probably the fifth time now.

"You know what you did," the other replied, swinging his sword at Genji and Genji blocking it with his own.

"I kind of don't," he said. "If I did, I wouldn't be asking you, would I?"

"You know what you did," Hanzo snapped, swinging at him again. Blocked again. "You have duties here, Genji. You know that. And here you are, completely ignoring them and sleeping with everyone you meet!"

"Is that what this is about?" He asked. Sometimes he would get worked up over the stupidest things. "Hanzo, if you wanted a share of them, then-"

"That's not what the problem is! With you not doing what you have to, other people have to pick up your slack and cannot do what they have to! The entire household is in shambles because of you!"

Hanzo wouldn't give up. Genji had to keep blocking and backing up. He was running out of space- if this kept up, Hanzo would get him. He dashed around the other, running around the corner and behind a wall. He tried to catch his breath and his thoughts- what had set Hanzo over the edge this time that he was so angry? He looked like he was trying to kill him. He didn't get much past that, though- Hanzo's sword burst through the paper divider, and Genji had to pick up his own again to counter.

"Why can't we just.. talk this out or something?" Genji asked, trying to distract him.

"The time for that has passed," Hanzo replied. "You've been given more than enough warnings. Now you have to pay."

"You sound like Dad..." he muttered.

"Shut up," Hanzo growled. He hadn't been able to land a single hit on Genji yet. It was overly embarrassing. At least Genji hadn't gotten him yet either. Was he even trying? He seemed like he was only blocking.

Genji retreated again, going up the stairs to the next flight. He was on a balcony- fuck. There was no more escaping now. He turned just in time to see Hanzo catch up with him.

"Stop running and fight," he breathed. "You're being a coward."

"If I'm the coward, that makes you the fool," Genji replied, chuckling to himself.

"Perhaps I am a fool for thinking there is still hope for you," Hanzo muttered.

"Do you?" Genji asked.

"Not anymore," Hanzo said, bringing his sword down once again, only to be blocked by Genji again. He yelled out, swinging it to slash him across the chest, but he backed up just in time. Again and again he tried, but he either missed or was blocked.

"Fight me!" He yelled.

"No!" Genji yelled back.

"Why not?!"

"Because-" Genji stopped, feeling the wall against his back. He was cornered. "Y-you're my brother," he said. "I would never hurt you."

"Then that makes you a coward and a fool," Hanzo said, taking this moment to catch Genji off guard and grab his collar, slamming his back into the balcony railing. The wood splintered under his weight and the force of the impact. If Hanzo let go, Genji would fall to his death. But Genj was smart- he had his sword pressed against Hanzo's neck. If he made a wrong move, Genji could very well easily kill Hanzo as well as himself.

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