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When we got back to the Stone residence that night, after we got the photos, and the events that occurred is something that I will always remember.

Austin parked the car, and we were surprised to see that Mr. Stone's car was already there. Just when we were about to sneak in through the back door, the front one was opened widely revealing Mrs. Stone. What made my eyes open wide like saucers wasn't the fact she saw me, but the way she looked. She looked like had just survived a zombie apocalypse. Her long black dress had wholes in it, and one of the sleeves was torn, her hair was a big birds nest and she was only wearing one high heel. Her make up, that she always made sure was done to perfection, was like the rest of her clothes, a mess. Red lipstick smeared, mascara ruined, and a fake eye lash was hanging over her eye like a bug. And she was holding was seemed like a ice pack against her jaw.

I think she was probably hit by a horde of Justin Bieber fans.

So, yeah, you get how her bad she looked.

"Mom? What happened? Are you alright?" Austin's voice reflected the surprise I felt

"Oh, darling. You are back" Mrs. Stone smiles at us, making her look like a satanic clown "And you have sweet Emma with you"

Did she just...? I'm sensing a possible concussion, folks.

"Mrs. Stone if you just let me explain" I start, but she waves her hand dismissively.

"Come on in, we have a lot to talk about" she says instead, motioning us to go into the house.

Austin grabs my hand and pulls me to the house, I reluctantly follow. God knows what awaits me in there.

When we get in the living room, Mr. Stone is there sitting on the couch and let me tell you he doesn't look any better than his wife.

The pocket of his dress shirt has been ripped, along with the buttons leaving the white shirt he has underneath on display. His hair is in a complete mess as well, there's a cut over his left eye brow and his bottom lip is busted. There are some small blood drops on his white shirt. But the marks of red lipstick over his lips curiously matches the one on Mrs. Stone lips.

Where they making out? If so, didn't they have a big argument like, yesterday?

But more importantly, what the hell happened to them?

"Dad?" Austin once more, voices my thoughts "What happened to you? What is going on?"

When Mr. Stone is about to answer, he is cut off by the sound of loud barks. Titan emerges from the kitchen and comes running to me, jumping around happily as he barks at us, Allison running behind.

Smiling, I pick him up and place him on my lap, scratching his belly to calm him down.

"I'm sorry" she looks at me guiltily "He heard you and took off running"

"It's ok, Ally. Thanks for looking after him" I smile at her.

She smiles back, and after excusing her self, she exits the room.

"Is that the puppy Mr. Atkinson gave you?" Mrs. Stone asks smiling at Titan, as she sits down next to Mr. Stone on the couch.

"Yes" Austin answers, looking at Titan briefly, half smiling at the little puppy "We decided to name him Titan"

Mrs. Stone chuckles and her husband smiles "Suits him. He'll be a big dog"

I'm about to make a comment, but Austin beats me to it "Ok, how about we go to the point and you tells us what is going on?"

Both parents look at each other, and is Austin's dad that answers.

"I told your mother everything" he starts "About the problem with Justine, the photos and about Emma. Everything you told me about her, at least."

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