Who I am

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Hello! My name is Odd Sakura Do Koi, I'm 18 years old, and I live in a condo that is located in Nashville, TN. I live alone in my apartment with my three dogs named Sweetie, who is a Rottweiler, Cupcake, who is a boxer, and Ginger who is also a Husky. Also, I'm a guy, so don't just assume I'm a girl if you didn't read the summary. I've been living here in Nashville going on a decade, ever since that incident. That incident was the worst years of our lives, and when I mean 'our', I mean  mean my mother and I.

 When I was 5 years old, my father was going back to his old habits of smoking and drinking. At first, it wasn't bad just coming home and passing out at home, but then he started doing it a lot more often, making me get things for him, beating and berating me. I often wore clothing that covered up my bruises, and holding my face down low, so no one could see my face. My mother, she tried her hardest to stop him, even as so far to threaten him by calling the police. It was 3 years later, going on my 8th birthday, and my dad came home drunk as usual, but that was the day mom and I planned our escape from this cage.

We were about to sneak out until he started to wake up, his gaze followed our bags, and we knew we were in deep shit. He ran over punching my mother, and yelling at her on how worthless she was, and she would rue the day she ever tried to escape this house wih me. Me, being me, wasn't going to just stan there so I ran into the kitchen, and knocked him out with a skillet. When he became unconscious I called 911, and when they made it here he was arrested on the spot, and we were relocated to this apartment here now. 

If you are wondering about where my mother is, she died peacefully in her sleep while sleeping on a cot, as a nurse, in the hospital. It was around 3:00 P.m. when I got the call, I dropped whatever I was doing and drove all the way there. She left a note for me knowing all the troubles I go through, and to find the man of my dreams. Oh yeah, also forgot to tell you earlier I'm bisexual, and proud of it. 2 weeks later, she was cremated, and the only reason why is because I want the soul and ashes to be free, and ride through the winds.

I started doing drugs myself, but I realized that I had to do something with my life, so I decided to become a veterinarian. Studying in school right now for my Doctorates in DVM. I am very anti-social with friends, but they'll only use me for little things, for which I don't care about. I sometimes have nightmares at night of my father and phobias. My fears are: the fear of blood, the fear of tight spaces, the fear of being lonely, the fear of being forgotten, and the fear of darkness. My fear of the darkness is strong, as I always leave the lights on in my house, which of course is for my outstanding light bill.

I don't like being alone, even if my dogs are following my every move in the apartment, because it's too quiet. I want someone to cuddle me, love me, kisss me, and overall be passionate to me. I want a lover who'll protect me from all the evil in the world. My nightmares are becoming reality all around me. I would want someone, anyone, to save me for the darkness that creeps.


Nicki (Me): I am SO SO SO SO Sorry I haven't been updating like I should've

Odd: It's okay everyone, I know what it's like to have a busy  schedule

Nicki(Me): Thank you Odd you are such a sweet candy (walks over to him and starts cuddling him)

Nicki: OH YEAH!!! Welcome to my new story about Odd who tries to overcome his past and fears, and find a lover to protect from the evil loading the shit out of his world. Tell me in the comments  below what you think, and any messed up words.


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