Chapter 2

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I could hear the girls outside.

" let's go!"

"Just a minute, the ribbon!"

"Who are you going it to?"

"Huuh? Isn't it obvious?"

"Good morning! Today's finally the day!"

"Aaahh... Give me a break I was fast asleep. It's so noisy outside the gates... Must be the girls from the day class. What do they want now?" I covered my eyes from the bright light. "Louis! The light....!" I covered my face back into my blanket.

"Whoa... It actually is the morning girls. Better get ready to run. Ohh, that's right. It's today..." Louis was looking outside the window.

"What is!?"

"It's the day that girls give out chocolates and confess to their crushes... Valentines day."


It's still morning! Are they really planning to wait here all day for the night class? "Classes are now starting for all day class students! Everyone go to your classrooms!" One girls was climbing up the wall. "Hey you get down from there!!"

She started to fall. Ashton caught her. "Ohh, thank you Ashton."

Ashton put her down and glared at all the girls. "I've told you a thousand times now... Members of the night class do not leave the moon dorms during daylight hours. If you absolutely must give them presents, it will have to wait until dusk. Come back when the day and night classes change over. If any of you pull a stunt like that again... I'll personally make sure that you're suspended on valentines day every year until you graduate."

The girls started leaving. "So once again, you begin valentines day as the enemy of all womankind... You do realize that you just destroyed any chance you had of getting some chocolates, right?"

"Then what should I have said? After all, my duty as a prefect is... To prevent the day class students from ever finding out what the night class really is."

I looked over to the dorms. "Yeah... We'll have to be extra careful tonight."

(Headmasters office.)

"I know that it's valentines day. I also realize that the school is buzzing with excitement. But there is also an I crease danger that something might go wrong, to expose the night class's true identity. For that reason I expect the two of you to be even more diligent than ever!"

"That's by I said we should just ban it..." Ashton was looking to the side.

"Wouldn't that jut inspire a revolt? It's best to give them an outlet. And after all my little vampires are just to adorable... Such dear little creatures... I could never be so cruel as to keep them from their devoted fans." He was looking right at Ashton.

"'Don't praise those vermin scum to my face!' Is what Ashton is thinking!" Ashton started to glare at me.

"Well I understand that vampires have been the enemies of humans for some centuries now... But there are still some vampires who with to co-exist with us peacefully..." He was looking out of the window. "It's important to teach them to have pride in taking the first steps to bridge the divide between our two races. Ashton... Even though you may think its impossible now... Someday I want you to understand that."

I wanted to get away from the tense air. "Here for you, chair-...father! Happy valentines day!" I handed him a stack of papers. "And this is for you Ashton! As always!"

"It's exactly the same thing you gave us back when you were in primary school." Ashton was looking down at the paper coupon.

"So sure me. Come on, we're going! First period is starting!" I grabbed his sleeve and started walking out.

"Why..." I stopped walking.

"What?" He was looking down at me.

"No... Nothing..." I kept walking.

Ashton hates vampires because they murdered his entire family four years ago. So why does the chairman say things like that... Knowing full well that he's reopening old wounds?

He quickly pulled his arm away from mine. "Oh sorry. I didn't realize that I was still holding on to you."

"It's fine." He was holding his neck. Ashton?

Dusk. The night class has arrived. It's time for the classes to change. I faxed the night class.

"Okay! All the members of the night class are to walk to their individually assigned gates. Once in position the girls with line up to give you their chocolate. Please stay clam and cooperate with one another." They went to their lines, while girls where hanging them chocolates.

"Thank you for everything, Alice." James walked past me. "Don't get hurt." I lost my chance...

"Kurgan!" Ashton threw my chocolates at him.

"Huh!? Ah... When did... Ashton!"

"I accept. Thank you, Alice."

Ten years ago, James saved my life. But... To his it meant almost nothing.

"Hey! Ashton what are you..." I turn around to see that he wasn't there. "Ashton...?"


" I know you're there come out, whoever you are." I lent up against a wall.

"Ashton...! I wanted to thank you for saving me this morning. And since today since your supposed to thank people with chocolates... This... I made it my self." She walked towards me.

"Go away. Forget about it.." I clenched my fist. "Go away! Now!" I punch the wall. She lefted. I tried walking.


The vail night is falling... Their time is approaching.

Vampires can be identified by their craving for human blood, their nocturnal behavior. It's a generalization but most vampires are also unusually beautiful. They are extremely proud. They have superior mental and physical abilities.

"Hmm... Looks like the students from the day class are still causing a fuss. The night class's lessons will have to start late tonight. Well then. Ashton...?"

He was breathing hard laying on the floor. "You can fight it or try to ignore it, but it won't change anything. Why do you keep doing this to your self?"

"Shut... Up..." Ashton fell even more and started coughing.

"Ashton, if you drink this, the pain will stop. You know what it is." He throw the cup across the room.


"The fits are occurring much more frequently now. If you continue to refuse it, the pain will only get worse. Why won't you understand? Even though you've endured it this far, you won be able to keep it up much longer. But... You already know that, don't you... Ashton?


I can't believe that Ashton just ran off and left me there! What the hell is he doing?

"Ah! You're here." I walked in to the bathroom."Ashton! Where the... What's wrong? Silly... You'll catch a cold. At least dry yourself off." I rubbed the towel over his hair. "C'mon... I need some help to get the sleeves on, right?" He just continued looking down. "Let's see." I pulled out a single chocolate and put it to his mouth. "Here! It's for you. A chocolate. By you're not allowed to say that it's bad as when I was in primary school, okay? It's the only one I made that turned out right. So it's super special, world exclusive delicacy! I bet you're grateful, right?" He looked at me with disgust. "Geez!"

One of the vampires blood tablets. What's this doing here?

I didn't find out about Ashton's secret until the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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