Little intro, big love to you all xox

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I haven't been on wattpad for a year now! You guys simply amaze me, 1452 reads on this little story. Like wow! Since then, I've actually fallen out of the Tiny Elephant fandom. I've stopped watching Ari's videos, stopped using twitter (until just now!) and I haven't heard her sing since early this year. (other than her cd of course) I just remember my little old Ari, the young one with 2.5 million followers, who liked to make short videos for us elephants. The one who taught us how to love ourselves, and how NOT to sing whistle tones in Disney Land ;) I'm hoping that I'll actually get back into it all, hopefully be able to see where she's at. But holy hell, she's got nearly 12 million followers. Like WHAT?! It used to be simple getting retweets and favourites from her, but it must be virtually impossible now for anyone to get some one-on-one love from her... I'm proud to call myself one of her first 1.3 million followers. It just seems like yesterday that we we were celebrating her 1.5 million mark! Incredible.

I haven't even thought about the Janoskians for months now, I believe they're in America or something, moved out to the 'big world' and left us aussies to fend for ourself haha :) Are they still doing videos? I'd have no idea... 

And I just finished school for the year! 2 WHOLE months now, of absolute freedom. And guess what, Greitchen Weiners... I'M GOING TO NEW YORK!!! I'm going for two weeks! Over christmas eve and past new years eve. I can't contain my excitement. It's just so amazing that I've been given this opportunity, We're planning to do so much while we're there, if anyone lives in New York, tell me what we should do! Email me if you want aswell :) (sorry for the corny emai, this was from ages ago...)

Ok, now onto some sort of story. I'm going to sort of continue this story, but also add in different stuff. I was such a bad writer when I wrote the chapters prior, it's a tad embarrassing to read over it now haha :) Hope you enjoy, and oh... it might get saucy ;) I've been doing some pretty good writing in 'that' area recently, mostly just writing out my dreams to share with  a friend of mine. And by dreams, I basically mean sexual fantasies that I should NOT be having... but what can I do? I can't exactly control my dreams! 

Writing out all of this almost makes me want to change it into a blog. I feel like I have so much to say, and telling those around me at the moment is definitely not a good idea.. so what do you guys think?

Lots of love and sorry for this intro being so long, I'll try and write now :) xoxoxo Big love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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