Chapter 1: New season, new team mates, new nightmare

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It's the first day of training for the season. Alex has been in the Chicago Hawks for 3 years now and this year it will be very different. Even though he is now the captain, there will be new players who will put his position in danger. That makes him anxious.

He's driving his brand new Hummer to the training rink. The huge vehicle makes him feel a little better about the unknown situation about the new players. Alex doesn't like the uncertainty. Despite his long chat with the coach and his best friend and team mate Darren about this situation, he is still angsty about it.

He parks outside Darren's apartment complex and waits for him to come out so they can go to the first fucking day of training. When Darren gets in, he eyes Alex wearily.

"Are you still thinking about the new players, Waters? Come on, man. Don't be a pussy. They're younger, and bigger, and stronger," he pauses, adding more tension to the situation, "and faster, yes," he adds the last one with a chuckle because he knows that bothers Alex even more, "but you're captain. They're not taking it from you. At least not this year," Darren taunts giving him an smirk.

"Shut up, Westinghouse". Alex says no more and starts driving.

20 minutes later, they are getting ready in the locker room when the three new players stride in. They are over 6 feet tall and have broad muscled bodies. One is blonde, the second has short spiked red hair and the other has long jet black hair tied in a bun on top of his head. It looks as if they've met already, because they are talking and joking with between them. Alex hates them already.

Darren clears his throat and points his head toward them, indicating Alex to greet them, but the only response he gets is a grunt from Alex.

"Hey guys. I'm Darren Westinghouse, this is Alex Waters, team's captain." Darren extents his hand to them and they accept it with a strong shake.

"I'm Miller Butterson, everybody calls me Buck. This is Randy Balls Ballistic and that one is Lance Romero. Nice to meet you both." Says the blonde guy, with a small smile.

"Welcome to the team," says Alex. "See you guys at the rink in a few." And with that, Alex leaves the locker room and goes straight to coach's office. He knocks at the door and after a "come in", Alex steps in and finds coach rearranging papers on his desk.

"What's up, Waters?" When coach looks eyes with Alex he sees the anxiety there and frowns.  "Are you still thinking the same shit? Cut it out, already." Alex sighs and sits in front of coach.

"I will," Alex grunts. "in fact, I want to suggest we train in pairs and I'm assigned to one of the new ones. I think that'll help me get to know them and calm my nerves."

After a moment of hesitation, coach agrees saying it is a great idea, and Alex heads to the rink to start training.

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