Chapter 2- China Town

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Kylie's POV

"Mom, do I have to go back there?" I ask as my mother rushes for work, as she always does.

"Yes, sweetheart, you do. It'll be fine. You'll be fine." She replies, leaving for the door. Before leaving, "Kylie honey, please eat something this morning. You worry me and look a little pale. Love you! See you later!"

I hardly doubt that I will be eating anything this morning, I'm too scared to eat. The only reason Mom's so concerned about me eating is because, well, I rarely eat. If you saw me you'd think I was literally a toothpick. I can't help that I have a small eating disorder. It's just who I am.

                                                                                                                      *Later on*

As I walk through the crowded hallway, I'm cautious of harrassment and embarrassment. I hold my bag and my notebooks close to my chest, not wanting them to get knocked off from anyone who bumps me.

School is the worst for me. No one likes me.

I finally reach my locker when suddenly...BLAM! I'm roughly pushed aside. "Watch it toothpick!" Shouts Ashley, a girl I hate. She's one of the many people who critisize me by calling me toothpick, stringbean, dork, loner, ugly, skeleton girl....the list is endless but they mostly call me Skeleton Girl. Oh how I hate that name. "You almost touched my locker! You probably got skeleton dandrif all over it."

Skeleton dandrif? Really? Does that even exist?

I slide away from her as far as I can and opened my locker and out fell actual skeleton bones. "Ahh!" I jump as it falls on the floor.                                                            

As tears sting my eyes and I run for the nearest bathroom, everyone laughs and points at me. I feel like a freak. Why are people so mean? 

I run into the nearest available stall, flip the seat down, and catch my head in my hands, sobbing. Oh God why me? This wasn't the first time anyone has stuck something wierd into my locker. I remember the first time like it was yesterday.


It was freshman year for me and I was getting 'freshman bullied' by a clique of awful girls. 

I had just come out of the bathroom when the clique quickly surrounded me. They all had their hands behind their backs with something probably in them. Oh No!

"What do you think your going, KI-LEE?" Ashley, the head of the clique, asks in a scary tone. 

The hallway was completely empty because classes were going on. Just my luck. Aren't they supposed to be in class too? 

"I-I'm going to class." I say trying to move forward and out of the triangle they had me in but they quickly stood in front of me. 

"I don't think so." Says Alexis, another girl of the clique. 

"Your gonna do something for us and if you refuse, you will certainly regret it." Comments Ashley. 

I sigh and look down at my feet, avoiding their evil eyes. "WWhat do you w-want me to d-do?"

"Hmmm....I don't know, you look a little hot and flustered. Doesn't she girls?" She asks, they nod. Then suddenly they pull water guns from behind their backs and stray me with them. 

"Ahh!" I scream, running down the hallway. They laugh when....

RIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!! The dreaded bell rang. 

I'm completely soaked from my hair to my shoes. All my curls in my hair...gone. I'm cold and feel an uncomfortable breeze between my legs and on my butt.

Soon I'm welcomed by laughter everywhere. They laugh, they point, they call me names and pinch me as they walk pass me. Girls and guys, it doesn't matter the gender or the size. 

They are all cruel people. 

*End of Flashback*

And Mom wonders why I starve myself but I don't blame her. I never tell her anything about what happens at school. I never even tell Dad. I don't want them to worry anymore than they have to about me. They have much bigger problems to deal with in their life like bills and their job and adding me would just shut them down. 

I don't ever tell them about my cutting either. My life is just amazing.

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