Chapter 3- Class is in Session

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Kylie's POV

As the first bell rang I walk into my first class of the semester.  Photography class. I take one of the seats in the way back. 

I love photography and would love to carry on my carrier as a professional and well-known photographer.  Photography is just awesome and it what calms me down and helps me relax from long days at school. Taking picutures has always been my passion, that, and cooking. I cook little things like pastries and little cookies. 

"Hello everyone and welcome to Photography 101. I am happy to see so many faces. My name is Ms. Avril and I will be your teacher for the whole semester. I'm glad to see so many people interested in taking this class," Ms. Avril introduces, standing in the front of the room. 

I've known Ms. Avril for a while now. I've been in her class since freshman year. She's like my school mother and my guardian when she can be. She usually saves me from Ashley and her girls and other people who bother me. I'm sad to say that she's not eveywhere but she certainly is there when I need her most during my harassing. I'm grateful to have her. She's one of the nicest teachers in the whole school. 

"I see that we have some old faces as well as new. That's great. I'm certain that you all will have a wonderful time here in my class." 

I like how she's so open to what she feels and how nice she is.  

Ms. Avril glances at me and gives me a wink, making me feel a bit better about this school year. I've been nervous lately because of the constant bullying and harassment I've been recieving for the past three years. School's just not a safe place for me. Everyone's against me. 

"Now I would like to know what kind of Photographer you are so for your first assignment, I would like you all to take a picture defining you or your interest. I will take up your assignment friday and that will be your first grade.  Easy A, right?" She nods as well as everyone else. 

My classmates, the new ones anyway, start to smirk and get excited about the easy assignment. They probably think this class is a breeze, well they certainly have another thing coming. 

"Wrong! In my class you all are going to have to really work in order to get an A. I want all of you to basically impress me. Wow me. Dazzle me!. 


"Alright class, I will see you guys tomorrow. Start working on what your going to bring me friday!" 

I get up and head for the door with my notebook in hand when Ms. Avril stops me. All of the other students walk out. 

"Ms. Kylie, how are you today sweetie?" She asks lightly touching my face, in search of anything out of the ordinary. 

I smile," I'm fine. How are you?" I ask. 

"I'm just great. I'm really looking forward to the school year. I can tell that we have a good group on our hands in this class, don't you?" I nod. 

"How are you and Ashley? Did you make up with her like I told you to do last  year?" I look away, giving her the exact answer that she doesn't want to hear. 

"Kylie, darling, I can't be everywhere when your in trouble. You know that right? I just can't stand seeing someone like you get bullied. 

I stop and think about all of the awful things that Ashley and her 'clique' have done to me for the past two years and not yet have I gained the gall to stand up to her. I'm so ashamed of myself. I hate myself. What's wrong with me? "I know but she's just such a bitch!" Ms. Avril gasps.

"Sorry." I say. We both look at the clock in her room and instantly think my time in here is up. I've got to get to my next class. 

"Alright Kylie. You stay safe okay.  I think its time for you to get to class. I won't keep you any longer but I want you to atleast keep your distance between her okay?" 

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