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Addison Carter was walking down strawberry lane. Little did she know she was being watched. Addison kept walking. By the way she is only 3. Her best friend Mary Jane came along with her. She had her dolly with her walking along the sidewalk a creepy looking guy came out of the ghetto alley way . He ran after us. I ran with Mary Jane going as fast as she can trying to get to her house. Mary Jane kept running. But it was to late he grabbed us by the hair and but us in his black van. He tied us up in the back. He put duck tape over our mouths. I was crying, so was Mary Jane. We hugged each other wondering if we were ever going to get home. He took us into deep woods to a small cabin. He through us into the basement with a couple other girls but they were older. One was 6 another one was 9 and the oldest one was 15. She has been here for 6 years. I was crying so hard. I was so terrified. I needed help. I took the duct tape off my mouth and it hurt a lot. I didn't know what was going to happen next. He grabbed Melody the oldest one and took her out of the room. I heard screaming and crying coming from the outside the door. The guys name is Mark. Mark through Melody back into the room. She was all bloody and covered with bruises. She had a long cut down her leg. She was crying. I was so afraid.......

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Addison's POV

What did Mark want with me. All of these girls have died because of him. He cam back in.

"Hey girls! Here's dinner!"

He throws in a bag of moldy waffles. Gross.

"Eat up!" This is all ur getting for a couple of weeks."

I looked at the bag of waffles. I decided to eat them. They were dreadful. I hate things with mold. The 6 year old girl sat there not eating . Her name is Bridget. She was really skinny. The 8 year old girl dig into her food like there was no mold. Her name was Claire. Melody was eating very slowly. Mary Jane just sat there in total shock. I ate the waffles very slowly too. I stood up. We need to make a plan to escape. I kept thinking in my head. How r we going to do this? There's no windows in the basement. I hear the basement door open with a bang. Mark grabs me by my hair. He throws me into another room. In that room there were knives and guns. I was scared. He started punching me in the stomach. I was screaming in pain. The he grabbed the knife and stabbed it into my leg. I cried so hard. I was screaming now. He pulled the knife out of my leg. Then he through me back into the basement. I was crying. Melody was comforting me. Telling me it was going to be ok. I just hope that I will stay alive.

Mary Jane POV

I heard screaming and crying coming from outside the door. Addie was getting hurt. I just hope she wasn't dead. Mark through her back into the basement she had blood all over her. I was so scared.

Bridget's POV

Addison hasn't seen nothing yet. He usually kills the new girls. But he didn't kill her. When shes about my age he will want more from u. He almost killed me last time. I was barely breathing. Then Melody helped me. She is like a big sister to us all. Well shes 15.

Claire's POV

Why is Mark doing this? Addison is only 3. She doesn't deserve this kind of pain. I just sat in the corner crying.

I was so terrified. I have been here for 4 years since I was 4. He kidnapped me on a family vacation here. By here it's Canyon City, Arkansas. My family has been looking for me forever. Soon they lost hope and stopped looking. I didn't want them to stop. They need to find me and everyone else.

Melody POV

Addison was crying into my arms. I ripped off my sleeve and covered the wound on her leg trying to stop the blood. Tears came out of my eyes. Mark is killing all of us. Why? He just likes causing pain. I guess one day I'm gonna die like the rest of the girls and my sister Abby. She was shot by Mark. Then I couldn't contain my self I was crying. Addison stopped crying and gave me a hug. She told me not to loose hope.


Melody was thinking they could maybe dig a hole out of the basement. But the basement is mostly cement. Everyone was crying except Bridget. She is tough for a 6 year old. Mary Jane was hyper ventilating. Addison was trying to calm her down. Claire was in the very back corner balling her eyes out. Melody was trying to find away to escape. Bridget was looking around. She found a chisel. She gave it to Melody to try and get everyone out. Mark came back down and grabbed Claire. He just took her.

Addie's POV

He took Claire. I could here screaming and crying. Then BANG! I didn't know what happened. The crying and screaming stopped. Claire was dead. I knew it. I started crying. So did everyone else.

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