Admiring from Afar

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You sat in the middle of one of the many rows of books. Novels of different size and genres sat scattered around you. Your nose was buried in Y/F/B. You never got tired of it, having reread at least it 100 times.

You came to the library almost every day of the week after your shift at a local diner. After the particularly tough day full of rude customers and an angry boss, you figured reading Y/F/B would help you relax.

You heard shuffling on your right and flicked your eyes over to look, see a man hastily looking at one of the shelves. He had long brown hair and a fair amount of stubble. Even though you could just see the side of him you could tell he was extremely handsome.

You returned your gaze to your book, getting close to your favorite part. You could feel the man's gaze on you but chose to ignore him. He was probably just wondering why you were sitting in the middle of an aisle. You continued to read for a good fifteen minutes before you heard the man cough slightly behind you.

"Excuse me," he said. His voice was deep, yet smooth. You look up at him, setting your book down. His beautiful blue eyes staring into yours.

"Yes? " You asked quietly, your brow furrowed. He cleared his throat, looking at you nervously.

"Could you help me find a book?" he asked with his melodic voice. You let out a soft laugh and smiled slightly.

"Of course. What kind of book are you looking for?" you questioned, standing up. He rubbed the back of his neck and chewed on his lip, which was quite attractive you might add.

"Um...a classic maybe?" he said, not very confidently. Your Y/E/C eyes lit up. Classics were some of your favorites.

"Oh i love classics!" you said excitedly, walking towards the classics section, the man trailing behind you quietly. "Like a horror classic like The Shining or a something like To Kill a Mocking Bird?" you pulled the two books off the shelf and turned to look at him. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Either one of those sound fine," he murmured, "I don't really have a preference." You nodded, gazing up at him.

"Well here," you handed him the two books, "read the backs of these and tell me what you think," you offered a small smile. He smiled back slightly, whispering a quiet okay as he read the backs. You turned back to the shelf and looked through the books

"I think I'll take these," he said quietly, looking at you shyly. You gave him a warm smile, which he returned, "Thank you."

"Of course," you replied simply, he turned and walked off quickly to check out the books and then left. You returned to your area, the blue eyed man still fresh on your mind.


Since that day, he would come into the library every couple of days, asking you too help him find a new book, which you would happily agree to doing. He'd always rave about the books, and the two of you would end up having hour long conversations about them.

Neither of you had exchanged names. You talked about books, personal lives weren't involved. You never asked about his very fascinating metal arm, even if you had wanted to.

While in the library, having just given him a copy of Y/F/B, a though popped in your head.

"Why did you ask me for help that day? Instead of just asking a librarian?"

"I needed an excuse to talk to you" he spoke sheepishly, "I had seen you here a couple weeks earlier, you were always so engrossed in your books. You intrigued me," you could feel your cheeks growing warm, "a guy fell off a ladder while putting books on a shelf and you didn't even look up. That was the moment i knew i needed to talk to you."

You stared up at him, A bright blush spread across your cheeks, biting your lip to keep from smiling.

"Well now that I've got that off my chest, I think its time we officially meet," he stuck out his hand, "I'm James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky," he winked, flashing a smile. You couldn't help but grin back, shaking his hand.

"I'm Y/N," you stated, your Y/E/C meeting his beautiful blues, "but you can call me anytime," you smirked, giving him an over exaggerated wink. He chuckled at your 'joke'.

"Well Y/N, would you like to go out for coffee sometime?"

And like the first time he asked you something, you happily obliged.

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