Playing it Cool

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Bucky watched you from his corner of the training room. You punched furiously at a practice dummy, nearly knocking it from its post. He scanned you top to bottom, from your Y/H/C hair tied in a ponytail with several flyaways, to your loose tank top and shorts. You were stunning in his eyes, even covered in sweat.

He watched as you sent a swift kick to the dummy, sending it falling to the ground. Bucky clapped, the sound echoing off the bare walls. You stepped back, looking over at him. You curtsied dramatically, a small smile gracing your face. He sent you one of his signature smirks and made his way over to the weights with one goal in mind, to impress you.

He started lifting the weights, slowing adding more pounds. He was overly aware of your eyes on him. He smiled on the inside, not wanting to ruin the macho image he was giving you.

After several more minutes of that he set the bar above him and grabbed his water bottle, guzzling down half of it. You winked at him, unwrapping the cloth around your knuckles.

Bucky raised his hand, running his fingers through his hair, showing his biceps off even more. Only, his hand didn't leave his hair smoothly, it tugged his hair back, causing him to grimace in pain.

"What the.." he mumbled to himself, trying to yank his hand away, only resulting in more strain from his hair. You covered your mouth, trying to keep from laughing.

"Um, Y/N," he tried to untangle his fingers again, "can you help me," he whimpered. You jogged over, trying to hold yourself together. You grabbed his head in your hands, forcing it down so you could see what was wrong.

"Your hair is caught in the grooves in the metal." you told him, giving it a tug.

"Ow! God, can you get it freed?" he asked, desperation seeping into his voice. This was not going as planned.

"Sorry Barnes, I think we may have to cut it," he immediately jerked away from you, his arm flailing awkwardly.

"No! Not my hair! You are not touching the hair!" you put your hands up in surrender, chuckling gently.

"Okay, okay. No cutting of your glorious hair. I'll just try to do it somehow. Not promising it won't hurt though." You slowly began to unwind the hair from the metal, apologizing every time he winced or pulled away.

"Calm down doll, I'm okay. Don't worry about it," he would sooth you, though you still kept doing it.

After several long, excruciating minutes, you finally freed his hand. Bucky let out a breath, dropping the metal limb into his lap.

"So much for trying to impress you," he laughed, his cheeks a bright shade of pink. You squatted in front of him, resting your elbows on his knees, your Y/E/C eyes examining his.

"Actually..." you began. He looked down at you. "I think your tactic worked quite well, showed that you're not just the very macho and really hot super soldier. You're actually a really big dork," you grinned and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I'll see you later Bucky," you whispered.

Bucky watched as you left the training room, a smile never leaving his lips.

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