Love Story

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Dedicated to Eryn Davis. Happy birthday.

Emily lay on the floor with a thin blanket covering her, listening to Oliver breathe beside her. She was naked, but she felt a sense of security so real that it seemed to fill her up from head to toe. She felt like nothing in the world could hurt her. She felt comfortable. She felt loved. She felt a sense of worth for the first time in years. But somewhere, down below, the bloodlust still tugged. It crawled around inside of her, screaming at her to feed it. Wanting her to succumb.

Emily turned over, and fell asleep to the sound of two voices in her head.

The one that craved Oliver, and the one that craved blood.

When Emily woke up Oliver was closing the door. He had been gone. Emily sat up.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"Taking care of business."

"What kind of business?"

"You're not the only one who loves to kill, Emily."

Emily smiled at him and stood up. She had forgotten that she was still naked.

"Wow," Oliver said. "You plan to go on all day like that?"

"Oh, sorry," Emily said as she covered herself.

Oliver was wearing the same thing he wore when they first met.

A striped sweater, a pair of sweatpants and no shoes.

"Can I ask you a question?" Emily said as she got dressed.

"Depends on the question."

"Why don't you wear shoes?"

"Next question."

"Tell me."

"I'd rather not. It's a long story."

"Okay... What about your scar?"

She was referring to the scar that ran all the way down the side of his face and down his neck and disappeared under his clothes.

"That's another long story," he said. "Do you wanna have some fun today?"

Emily pulled on her jacket.

"What kind of fun?"

Emily followed close behind Oliver as they walked down the sidewalk in the broad daylight. It was late afternoon. She had her sunglasses on and tried her best to hide her face in Oliver's shoulder. He noticed what she was doing and rolled his eyes.

"Here," he said. He pulled a black bandana with red designs all over it that looked like blood drops.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Emily asked as she took it.

"Put it on."

Emily shrugged and tied it around her mouth.

It hid her stitches completely.

"Thanks," she said in a muffled voice.

Oliver stopped, causing Emily to do the same.

"Do you see that?" he said.


"That, over there."

Oliver pointed to two men smoking in an alleyway. They looked young, and were wearing shirts that lead Emily to believe they were in a fraternity. They turned and started walking down the alleyway.

"Let's follow them," Oliver said.

Emily grabbed his hand, and they started walking towards the alley.

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