Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Ariel's POV

I was walking hand in hand with Zayn as we walked into school. Wow, I'd never thought I'd say this. I can't believe Zayn told me he loved me. I esecially can't believe I said it back. I didn't even know I loved him, I'm still not sure. I mean, what is love?

But If the way I feel when Zayn is around is love, then I know it's the best feeling in the world. It was just so sudden, you know? Before, I used to hate this guys guts. I mean, he used me. And now he's telling me he loves me? I don't know if I could trust him so fast.

We were walking towards school when Zayn came to a halt. "Are you okay, babe?" He asked, worriedly.

I nodded, "Just nervous. What will people say? What will Melanie say?'' I asked.

"Everything's going to be fine. Who cares about Melanie? And besides, the entire school thinks we're dating. It wouldn't matter." He said, reassuringly.

"Yeah, but, Kate and Aiden don't know yet and when they see us together, they'll know something's up." I say. They'll freak out, I know my best friends.

"We'll tell them together, babe. You'll be fine." He smiles.

"I love it when you call me 'babe'," I say.

He smirks playfully, "Do you?" He asked as he held my hand.

"Yeah," I laugh. "It's so cute."

 "I'll keep that in mind," He says. "Babe." He adds. I let out a soft chuckle.

"Now, c'mon, we've got to get to school." He grabs my hand as we walk together.

As we walk down the hallway of the school, I notice almost everyone is looking our way. I don't like the attention. But that's kind of what I'll be getting since I am 'The Players' girlfriend. Yes, you heard me, girlfriend. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night. It was so cute.


The window in my room was wide open, allowing the cool breeze in my room. I brushed my teeth and jumped into bed, taking out my phone. I had noticed I got a text from Zayn.

From: Zayn

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