Remember that this is a multi round contest. If you don't like multi round contests, you may drop out.
Round 1's Objective: Freedom
If you don't know what Freedom is, it's where you get to draw anything you like. Meaning I'm expecting high quality drawings (because you can draw whatever you want, means you can draw whatever your best at).Due Date: September 28, 2016 (9:00 PM or 21:00 [military time])
Which is, by the way, next WednesdayPeople of this Round:
@insanity_inside_meAdmins of this Round (people you can confide to or ask about the contest):
@_CrystalWaves_ (me of course!)
MudfangisFinlandNutMeg and I will not take late entries. Please turn them in earlier or on time. To turn in an entry, please put your picture in one of your books and tag either me or WonderfulNutMeg101 to notify us that you have turned in your entry.
Good luck to you all! And also, we are not giving out reminders.