(Contest 4) {open}

73 3 41

Hello, and welcome to Contest 4. You are welcome to join anytime between April 8 to April 14. We will expect you to be good sportsmanship and no cheating. For example, do not copy form online this has to be your own drawing. Yes you may look at characters from online but I expect them to look different or you are out. Finnish drawings at the right time because we accept NO LATE ENTRYS!! Good luck!!!

Looking for a new judge!!
Make sure you take the test in my new book so that we are sure that you are good enough for us.

Contestants ~ 10 available
1. SpiderInMyBathTub
2. NightmaretheWolf1987
3. artpro455
4. DatPony101
5. ixXAaronBurrSirXxi
6. IHazAFatCat
7. WolfNamedLunaYT

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