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All of you people are sooo damn AMAZING!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

I really just CAN'T express how happy i'am so i'll just write blabbering nonsense.


Okie! I'm back to normal again! Anyways, THANK YOU for all those lovely comments and votes you all sent me!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


So anyways, let's just forget about my little tantrum.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto nor will I ever.

Bold:- black zetsu, Me

Italic:- memories, dreams, flashbacks, last chapter previews, thoughts.

Normal:- story, speech.

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Karin And Sakura

In the last chapter:


"Hello Tsunade-Shisou"

In this chapter:

"S-sa-sakura?" Tsunade said again, her eyes wide at the person- or floating person infront of her.

She stepped backwards and the two people beside her copied her movements.

"Umm.. yes Tsunade-Shisou?" Sakura asked, tilting her head. She sweatdropped when the three people stepped back again, leaving a big space between them four.

"W-what is the m-meaning of this?! Tell me t-that this is j-just some kind of sick j-joke!" The Hokage shouted- stuttering all the while as she pointed an accusing finger at Sakura.

The dead pinkette pointed one of her fingers to herself and blinked innocently at three the scared people.

"Eeh? This? A joke? Ah, no no! Tsunade-sama, i-i'll explain!" Sakura said, her face worried as both her hands were waving frantically in the air.

"Then explain!! You- you.. sicko!" Tsunade said, her face red as her finger still pointed directly at Sakura.

"A-ah.. well.." The girl replied nervously as she immediately looked down to the ground, watching it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

The Senju woman's eye twitched at her past apprentice's spirit "Well? I'm waiting!".

Sakura then looked up and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly "Uh.. can you all come here so i could explain properly?" She asked nervously.

Sasori and Naruto looked confused, "What do you mean? We're the only ones here" The red-head said and the two people beside him nodded.

Sakura sweatdropped and chuckled lowly " sometimes i wonder how you three became such powerful ninjas" she muttered quietly under her cool breath.

"Umm.. no, there are other people here, maybe like.. more than ten?" She continued rather loudly.

Naruto hummed "hmm.. i do feel some weird and familiar amount of chakras, but they're faint" he said then sigh "All of you can come out now".

And almost immediately, people came out of their hiding spots. A familiar red-head exclaimed "Finally! I thought we had to stay in our hiding spots until they leave! My feet hurts, ouch!".



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Oh my gosh! Karin and Saku-chan knows each other! What happened between them that made Karin hate Saku so much?? Please wait patiently for the next chapter!!

Also! I'm sorry that i made you all wait so long for this chapter and all you people got was a short chapter and another cliffie!! Sorry! Peace! And please don't kill me!

Bye! I love every single one of you people who gave me lovely comments, votes and reads!! See you in the next chapter!


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