The Day of the Dance

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_+=Aphmau's POV=+_

Last night has gave me the biggest headache of my life, luckily the school have decided to let us have this day off due to dance later. I decide to text Katelyn, Cadenza, Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan.


A- hey girls
K- hey Aph
L- hi...
A- look, I know for last night I owe an explanation. Do you want to meet at Starbucks then go get our nails, hair and makeup done??
C- sounds good.


So I get up out of my bed and put my hair up and a comfy outfit on (you know where it is)
And I know I have a lot to explain to them so it's easier to go for a drink and a snack.


The girls have all apologised after hearing the story but when they called the boys up, the only boy that seemed to not understand was Laurance. Laurance said he didn't care and hung up. I should of expected it really.

_+=Liana's POV=+_

Laurance is meeting up with the boys later but first he is coming to meet me. I get dressed and go meet him, he comes up to me straight away with a coffee.
"Hi babe." I say.
"Hi Hun." He says and kisses my cheek.
"What did you think of last night, genius right?" I ask.
"She had it coming, she killed him, she deserved the humiliation." He says then takes a gulp of coffee.
"No silly, I did that."
"What do you mean?" He cocks his head like a lost dog and looks so cute!
"Well, it's sort of the truth. Her dad died on his way to see her." I say smirking at how brilliant my plan was, it's flawless!
"Wait so she didn't kill him." He looks gobsmacked..... at how amazing my plan is, that must be it.
"Yep, I made that up." I say and can't help but giggle.

_+=Laurance's POV=+_

Did she really just say that, I've been so mad at Aphmau these last couple of weeks and maybe I shouldn't of been. Maybe, she isn't the bad one in this situation.
"Liana, you're disgraceful."
"And that's why you love me?" She says puckering her lips. Is she joking?
"No, you're a horrible person. Aphmau is probably heartbroken over her dad... how could you do that?!"
"Well, she's my enemy."
"No sane person could do that to an enemy. Liana, we're finished."


L- we need to talk
G- yeah we do
L- I need a way to apologise to Aphmau
G- what's caused this sudden change of heart
L- Liana told me she had this all planned out.
G- what the party incident.
L- yep.
G- she's a bitch. Sorry I know she's your gf.
L- not anymore.
G- oh, sorry about that also.
L- nah mate, it's fine. I've come to my senses.
G- so tonight is the dance.
L- yeah and?
G- I have invited Aphmau but no reply yet. The girls are out at the moment, maybe you should ask her to dance tonight and apologise. She might not believe you but it's a start.
L- I'm not after another gf just yet...
G- if you were, do you think I'd let you go after the girl I have a crush on??
L- true ok, can we meet at yours before town?
G- sure, half hour?
L- be there.


_+=Aphmau's POV=+_

We're all ready for the dance. Katelyn and I decided to go just the two of us with all of our friends rather than with dates. It's weird because none of the boys have been in contact that much and the girls have been acting weird whenever I mention one of them. Aaron hasn't really messaged me or Garroth so I don't think I could of had a date anyway...

We all see a limo outside and I'm buzzing with excitement but the girls don't seem as excited. We go outside and out walks, Jeffory, Garroth, Aaron, Travis and.... Laurance... that means Liana is coming in the limo also. No thanks, not tonight.
"Come on Aph." Aaron says.
"No, not if Lianas going in it." I say angrily in reply.
"She's not, I need to speak to you." Laurance says coming out from behind Aaron.
"I don't want to speak to you, Laurance." My still angry self says.
"Aphmau, hear him out." Aaron says.
"Fine, not tonight though. I'm going to have fun, I'm not having another night ruined by her or him." I say and head into the limo.

The girls are sat together and the boys are and we are all just having a good time singing, dancing and just having fun. But, I can see Laurance sat there, looking down on his lap. I notice a light go off on my phone.


L- Aph, can we text if you don't want to speak.
A- Laurance...
L- ok, if you don't want too, at least let me have a dance.
A- fine.
L- not pushing my luck but could we talk everything over tomorrow at McDonalds?
A- ok, I'm not buying tho! ;P
L- fair enough 8D
A- ugh, that face!
L- 8D 8) 8( 8I


I look up and see him laughing towards me. I smile and roll my eyes but laugh also. I forgive him but I don't. It's a complicated situation, I mean he didn't give me the best introduction to Pheonix Drop but.... he really is sorry this time, I think at least.


It's coming towards the end of the night and I still haven't gave Laurance that dance. To be honest, I kind of feel awkward about it as I was best friends with Liana. Now, I don't know what I feel about her.
"Aph, it's the last slow dance, can I have this one??" Laurance says and I nod unsure of what to say.

_+=Laurance's POV=+_

Aph and I have been talking a little tonight but... we're not exactly best buds, it's understandable. We're currently dancing, her hands are on my shoulders and mine are on her hips. I look down and smile, she looks... stunning. Laurance, no. You've just broke up with your ex and now you are saying her EX bestfriend is not only pretty but stunning! Who am I kidding, I can't change my mind and I'm probably just emotional, yes... that's why I said it. Aph looks up at me with her hazel eyes and smiles back unaware of just went on in my head.

_+=Aphmau's POV=+_

Laurance and I are actually MUCH closer than I would of expected after last night. I look up and his green eyes are staring back at me, he looks like his staring. I smile back to see if his ok and he snaps out of his daydream. I bow my head then turn to look beside me, I see a very angry Liana (she's redder than her dress) she gives me the death stare then sashays off. I want to scream "see being a bitch isn't as easy as you'd think" but I keep my mouth shut and enjoy the rest of the night.


Hi guys, I'm trying to upload as much as possible but it's hard between homework and school and all my other bits and bobs. Soon, I will start my own book and I will do a roleplay of it on my YouTube channel. Once it starts, I would love if you guys (if you want), watch it. Obviously it won't be as good as Jess' but I do want to start a roleplay.

Lots of love

Aphmau: Pheonix Drop High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now