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Matty's fierce snarls were replaced by a ringing in my ears as his hand struck hard against my jaw. I don't know if the ringing will ever stop, but I guess I don't really care. I can see he's still mad, still yelling at me but I don't hear a thing. Hot tears drip silently down my face as I lay quivering on the floor. He raises his fist, so I close my eyes. I won't fight anymore, I can't. I brace for impact.
"You're a fucking whore, Ola!" Impact.
"I swear to God, you don't know how lucky you are to have me!" Impact.
"I was fucking there for you when your whole family left you lying in the gutter!" Impact.
"And this is how you repay me? You fucked him didn't you? I fucking saw the way he was looking at you!" Impact.
I don't know how long I laid there on his kitchen floor after I blacked out, but when I woke, I was still there and he was gone.

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