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Walking down the dimly lit street, as the whistling wind blows. Acorn topped street lamps line the curbs of the sidewalks. Each with its own banner signaling " Get with the Christmas Cheer and come to Hazelnut plaza, its starts at 5:00 pm on Christmas Eve!". Decorated with festive reefs and little Christmas ornaments waving in the rush of air. A hint of flakes of snow float aimlessly down to my head, every single one has a different character to the rest. More than one has a attached flake to themselves, as a couple. Will that be me someday? I wondered. Messy hair with no style and a beanie is all that covers my head. Down to a cheap coat with some boots. Shops on the sides are closed in the dead of the night. It is just me and the cold snow... Alone, shuffling down the abandoned paths of Hazelnut plaza. *Buzz* *Buzz* I grab my phone from the sheath it was in, and take a glance. 'Is it her?' The simple phone reads 'Low battery' and shuts off. Disappointed, I keep stepping my way home. Snow begins to fall more heavily, as it dots the ground below. The rustling wind starts to drift even more, penetrating my coat. 'I can't live like this anymore'. Listening to the occasional car that passes by. I arrive at my apartment, room 108. I step inside, the TV is on Fox news with my dead beat of a dad sleeping on the couch. Looking around a couple or more beer bottles laid about. 'When will he change?'
A rusted, chipped wooden door laid before me, with my name on it; Nathan's room.
Stepping in I see the old mess I leave every day. A rustic desk hides in the corner, in front of it a bed with a quilt which is bunched up at the edge. On the desk is a poem that reads, " It's just one smile, one smile from you cures his inner battle..." Next to the poem is a picture of a girl and himself. She has a wonderful smile and long brown hair, and I wear the best face I ever had. 'I wish it was still like that, friends.' Plopping down onto the bed, pulling the covers over my head I drift to a dream land and sleep.

Nothing. I'm standing on a reflective world, the sky at my feet. Left and right, up to down there is nothing except sky. Beyond the horizon lays a scene. One birch bench rests on a cold fall ground. Clouds dot the autumn sky, I see myself sitting on that bench, she is next to me. I can hear what I said.. then I realize what this memory was.
" Nicole... I-I have been thinking for a while.. I.. I love you Nicole.. To your great smile your voice and your beauty, I want nothing except you. Can we start something?"
I hear my exact words echo across this empty plane, assuming it goes for miles. "Nicole.."
"I love you..." I hear it over and over, a memory I regret. Then her reply strikes the sky.
" Uh- Uh I.. I appreciate the thought but we are great friends right? It would be to much of a hassle a.. a pain. It would be to hard for you to stay friends, right? Lets... lets part ways Nathan...."What I assume that I stand on shatters and I fall endlessly into a void. With nothing but the sounds of " be a pain" , "Part ways.." flowing every which way.

"Ah!" I wake up breathing heavily. I glace at my alarm clock it reads; 5:43 am. 'It must of been a dream, why would I dream about that?' I turn over and flick my lamp on while getting out of bed. Stepping over my sleeping father I grab a box of Cheerios and some milk. 'Why am I eating so early?' I begin to think inside my mind about the dream that happened. 'Why would I think about that day when I despise it so much?'Why did I ever confess then? She .. she left me.'
My thoughts begin to consume myself and I drifted off to sleep, sitting in my chair.

*clang* Waking up to see my father shuffling his way to a liquor bottle, then I realize the time.
" Shit, I got to get to school". He doesn't give me any sign of saying goodbye, I grab my stuff comb my hair and leave. Running down the bright sidewalks, the curbs were lined with oaks. I see one or two others in their uniforms running to my high school. A uniform with blue pants or skirts to any white button down shirts. 'Oakson High school why do I even go here? A private school... for the rich. I am dirt poor, barely paying my own tuition while dad just sleeps and drinks.' A bell rings a simple tune, the morning bell, sprinting to the front doors. A white building emerges into my sight, columns raise to support the entrance. A couple of cherry blossoms dot each panel of grass left and right of the entrance. Orchards lay on the sides, looking up at the four story tall school. Climbing the steps, up to the third floor for my first class, math. Sliding a door to the left for it to be opened, gazing my eyes on the room before me. Whiteboards lay gently on the walls, too four large windows resting on the opposite. A willy old man sits in a rolling chair by a desk in the corner; Mr. Hason. Teens are in seats with desks, ready for class.
I walk up to Mr. Hason and give a tardy pass and take a seat, not being prepared for the class ahead.

"We have a transfer student today, she a fine one. You boys be ready." Hason says this with a quite chuckle.
'Such a perv of a teacher I swear... '
A beautiful young girl walks in, with a white shirt and blue skirt, she has long oak brown hair to a most perfect figure. 'Wait.. I- I know her... n. Nic-'
Hello! My name is Nicole, hopefully we all can be friends"

A voice yells out in the back of the class, "Yes! We finally got a hottie in this damn school!".
"Oh shut-up Josh!"
'Idiots I swear, but why- why would she transfer.. and after that dream? Why now?'
"Nicole ah... go take that seat next to Nathan over there."
"Hason! Ca- can she si-"
"There are no other empty seats, Show Nicole around, be her new friend."
"Why does Nathan get her? I am far... more sexier."
A girl turns around and slaps him on the face.
"Really Josh shut-up."

"Alright class today we will be learning about Proofs in Algebra and Geometry. A proof is when you take... th.. "
'This is boring...'
Beginning to drift away and ignoring that girl next to me I fall to a light sleep.

A small tune flows from a speaker signaling next hour, students begin to flow out chattering among their friends.
I feel a tap on my shoulder then see a shoe step past, I decide to get up seeing Nicole leaving the classroom. 'I want to say hello.. Did she tap my shoulder?' Heading off to second hour which happens to be English. Students step down the halls entering different rooms for there class. Some being in groups and others being alone. Reaching room four, finally arriving.

Fifth, to last hour, this day goes by. 'I only saw her once, I want to talk with her.'
Grabbing my belongings from my locker putting in the code; 39-23-01. Rushing out of the building to head out to a store, out of my eye I see Nicole walking home. 'I want to..' Stopping myself to look, then walking away pretending she was never there. Making my way down to a convenience store, alone.

Hey everyone! new book I know I been coming out with a lot of new things, but hey its romance now sooo yay! I'll try for a chapter every week, I really enjoy this one. So tell me what you all think! Maybe ideas too. thank chu <3 

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