Alison's POV:
I wake up by the sound of my annoying alarm. Another shitty day is starting and honestly I don't want to get out of bed.
I'm exhausted physically and mentally and it's his own fault!
Of course I'm talking about Slash who ruined my night once again. I hate when he does that, like what's his fucking deal?
Our arguments are like a constant circle. He drinks,he talks shit about me and he gets on my nerves every fucking time.
Then I have to respond to him and of course things are getting worse every time.
It's not my fault,he started this war and I'll be the one who finishes it!I finally get out of bed and rush to my kitchen to make some breakfast.
I open the fridge and start scanning the inside.
Eggs,milk,fruits,an old pizza box...
"I should've thrown it away!"I say and take the box in my hands.
"Wow it smells like something died in here" I think and throw the box in the trash.
I come back to my refrigerator and grab some milk and pour some cereal into a bowl.
I sit on the counter because I am too lazy to make my way to the living room and grab my plate.I finish eating in fifteen minutes and I rush to my room to get ready.
"Ugh,I hate stairs"I growl but I keep walking up to my room.
I open my bathroom's door and get inside.I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth.
I never brush my hair because it is already naturally straight and since I'm a lazy motherfucker I don't really care how my hair looks throughout the day.
I run to my wardrobe and throw some clothes on the floor.
Ripped jeans,crop tops,t-shirts and mostly black clothes cover my entire room.
I grab some jeans and a plain black t-shirt,my black hoodie and my black converse.
I love black,indeed it's my favourite colour.
I quickly run down to my living room grabbing a packet of cigarettes and my skateboard.
I get out of my house and when I lock it I ride my skateboard all the way to the park since I have a day off.It is a nice sunny day and although I prefer rain this weather brightens my mood.
When I reach the park,I sit on a bench and I put the cancer stick on my lips.
I do know that smoking kills and it causes cancer but hey don't blame me it's my kind of fun and relaxes the shit out of me.
As I say:inhale the good shit but exhale the bullshit,keep it in your mind!
I inhale the smoke and I feel way too relaxed. I take a few more drags and then I throw it away.
I sit there for a couple of minutes staring at the sky and thinking about my new album. It has to be done in one month and honestly I'm not very good with deadlines and I can't work under pressure. Also,I hate the fact that I'm forced to write songs about love. I've never fell in love and honestly I've never thought or cared about it so it's like I'm writing about something I haven't even experienced;fucked up,right?
I light up another cigarette and I inhale the smoke maniacally inside me.
Until a man's voice distracts me from my thoughts.Slash's POV:
I wake up really early today and since we don't have band practise I decide to go for a walk.
I am thinking about what I said the previous night to that girl,Kitty-something and man honestly she was right;I have no fucking idea what I am saying when I am drunk but let me tell you something:I hate pop music and it's singers,they have nothing to offer to the audiences other than crap music and slutty appearances.
And also she's a bitch! How did this slut dare to comment about my attitude, she knows nothing about me and my life.
I take out a cigarette and light it up making my way to the small park.
The weather is perfect;sunny and the sky is clear with some clouds.
I cross the road and I reach the park.
"Wow it's really hot today" I think and look at my outfit;black boots,black leather pants and a grey t-shirt with my name on it.
I take my perfect curls out of my eyes and I keep walking around.
The park is really beautiful,the grass is wet and there are trees everywhere.
I keep walking for a couple of minutes because I want to explore the park. Also walking helps me think and it's a good exercise for my lazy ass.
As I am walking down the small path I spot a girl that is sitting alone and smoking maniacally."This shit is bad for your health,ya know"i say when I reach the bench where she is sitting...

Rivals Or Lovers? (Slash Guns N Roses Fanfiction)
FanfictionHaving a double life can sometimes be tough, right? You have to pretend, keep secrets and of course, maintain a balance between both worlds... But what happens when the love of your life is also your alter ego's worst enemy? Well, welcome to Alison'...