chapter 4

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  I was sitting at my table at the guild with levy when Gray comes in the guild carrying a girl that resembles Lucy. It took me a couple seconds but I realized that it was Lucy. Due to my new found realization I had dropped the metal I was munching on, I sat their in shock looking at her. Her hair was a lot longer but still the same golden only it had light blue streaks at the ends. He had on a pale white nightgown when Suddenly she started glowing and she had on a new outfit. Only a couldn't make it out due to Gray carrying her fragile body "What the hell is happening to her!" Cana yelled at Gray he shook his head as a sign that he did not know. The master had tried to put me and the other dragon slayers in the dungeon but the bard where made of metal so that was pretty pointless.

  I drifted my attention away from bunny-girl 2.0 to find levy crying. I silently sat next her and drew her into my lap and comforted her. "Say I new Lucy was Natsu's chosen but I this has never happened to a chosen before." I thought aloud. Every-body's head turned to me with  perplexed faces. Well everyone except Gray and happy they were carrying Lucy to the guilds infermary.

  "What?" I asked.

   "You where aware this was going to happen! You knew that Natsu was in heat!" Erza said in her scary voice.

  "Well yeah," levy sniffed as her head drifted on to my shoulder blade. "Me and Gajeel had mating season last year, salamander is a year younger then Gajeel so it didn't effect him, although this has never happened before. Typicly the dragon is the only one that is effected by this kind of thing. It is unheard of for the mate to be as effected not to mention changed this Drastically as Lucy has. We are missing a piece of the puzzle." She mummer-ed on my shoulder I nodded my head in agreement. You could also see Jet and Droy sulking in the corner. About the fact that me and Levy were mates, and had been for a good year now, not gonna lie i felt a bit smug.

"What are the affects of dragon mating season Gajeel?" Gray asked walking down the stairs with happy.

I was about to explain but the master beat me to it.

  "1St the dragon will get clingy
   2ND aggressive
   3rd forceful
   4th mate

  I will explain first the dragon will be very clingy and protective.  Second, they will be slightly aggressive and semi sexual and intimate. Thirdly the mate will be kidnapped by there dragon or dragon slayer and then the fourth stage they will mate. It is unavoidable. But seeing as Natsu is royal takes this to another level. That is why we had to evacuate Lucy. It is still unclear as to why what happened did. The only reason I know this much is because the other day Lucy gave me the book she found on it, that was the day Wendy had attacked Lucy, dragon mating season was also the cause of Wendy's actions the other day." The master said.

  "Nastu is royal have you seen him master that kid is not royalty!" One of the guild members exclaimed. Then it hit me "Yes he is his father is Igneel the fire dragon King, and so making him a prince. Since Igneel died fighting Acnologia Natsu will have to take the title, isn't that right master." Erza said seriously making nobody think to question her.

  As the guild broke down into chaos nobody noticed except Master and Laxus when Lucy started to descend the stairs looking like an angel. "Lucy you have to get back in bed you need rest." Laxus exclaimed to her resulting in everybody to look at her. Once they did their mouths dropped.
"But I need to see Natsu she said in her same old voice. Well at least one thing is the same. But her eyes are going to take a while to get used to. 

 Than Natsu Broke free of Freeds enchantments.

 Than Natsu Broke free of Freeds enchantments

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What Lucy looks like outfit and all.  Credit to the artist it's beautiful. Except for the blue highlights.

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