Epilogue - Back in Virginia

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Always something interesting in the Metro section of the newspaper, thought Took as he tossed the morning paper on the kitchen table, smirking at the fact that he did know who the murdered “unidentified men” were who were plastered over the front page of the Richmond Times Dispatch. And he also knew that they deserved exactly what they got. Loose lips sank ships and theirs had gone down like the Titanic.
     He looked at his watch: 1:00 p.m. Damn the day is moving fast, he thought.
    He needed to be across town by two and wanted to stop and get something to eat on the way. After locking up his place, he made his way down the three flights of concrete stairs—two at a time—and once reaching the bottom, he stopped at the lobby’s recessed mailboxes. He wasn’t expecting anything, but the mailman had been leaving him threatening notes on his door for not cleaning out all the junk mail. In return, Took had left the mailman a note that said “Stop leaving that shit.” But at the end of the day Took knew he did too much dirt to draw unnecessary attention to himself. So he decided this was the day he’d retrieve the mail.
     Took’s box was marked: apt. 306.
    Besides the junk mail, to Took’s surprise, there was one letter addressed to him and the most surprising part was that the letter was postmarked from New York.
    The return address read:

      Rikers Island Jail

      Terrell Gump #1143667

      18-18 Hazen St.

      East Elmhurst, New York 11370

     For a minute Took didn’t recall the name, then, suddenly, it hit him. Terrell Gump was Fat Tee. But what THE FUCK was Fat Tee doing locked up New York? And more important, why the fuck is this motherfucker writing me?
They weren’t cool. In fact, Fat Tee and Took had shared more bad blood than good. And if Fat Tee thought that Took would come to his rescue by making his bond, Fat Tee better have had a plan B, because he was S-O-L (shit out of luck) on plan A. On general principle Took wasn’t even going to open the envelope. Then he quickly changed his mind. Shit, let me see what the fuck dis nigga talking ’bout. It wouldn’t cost him anything but a few seconds of his time to read the damn thing anyways. Maybe even get a good laugh out of it. Then throw it away.
    The letter began:


I know getting a fucking letter from me was the last thing you were expecting. I’ve been thinking about this shit long and hard for the past week, and you were the one person that I knew that had as big of an ax to grind with Unique than me . . .

     The mention of Unique’s name caught Took off guard, like an unexpected left hook to the dome. Unique was the first chick he ever made the mistake of trusting. She was supposed to be his “ride or die” but when Took got knocked she jumped ship. The no-good, two-bit broad jacked off the eighty grand he’d left in her care, and didn’t even have the decency to take his calls or put one iron dime on his books for that matter.
     He’d be lying if he said that he never thought about her. Sometimes, the thoughts were even good ones, but usually, not so much. He was anxious to hear what the latest news on her was; the last time he’d saw or heard anything from Unique, he’d sold her to Jose in Mexico for two chickens, a mule and a key of cocaine.  The chickens, because she was a chickenhead.  The mule- because she made a jackass out of him and the key of cocaine was just a bonus.

That bitch is living the life of luxury with a nigga name Kennard DuVall, real made nigga—Google that nigga—and see the empire this motherfucker sitting on. I’ma fix this bitch, decided I’m going to let the state of New York deal with the bitch—but him . . . I will give you on a silver platter. And I’m in hopes that you will just break me off, but some of that cheddar by way of putting my finder’s fee on my books.

MOB—all day my nigga! Let bygones be bygones and get that nigga however or for whatever you can.

PS: I know for a fact that Unique has persuaded this nigga to get revenge on you for leaving her in Mexico. Get that nigga before he gets you!


Don't miss the rest of the series! Unique III is available now! Unique IV comes out 3/4 and Unique V on 4/1!

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