Chapter 1

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London. Big city. Vibrant. Absolutely amazing.

Liam loves coming to London. He enjoys the colourful light and how the shimmer in the night. He enjoys every aspect of London and very much looks forward to trips to London with the other boys...

"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!" Louis belted out the lyrics, at his worst on purpose.

All the boys clasped their hands over their ears, except for poor Harry. He was driving to this party and not wanting to cause an accident, he left both his hands on the wheel, wincing every time Louis yelled.

"For Christ sake Lou! Can you please stop that awful singing of yer's. It's giving me a bloody headache!" Niall cried out. He was sitting next to Louis, so his horrible singing gave him a sore head.

The rest of the boys are a bit tired from the plane ride. Before hand, they checked in to a hotel they haven't been before on tour. Well they think so.

"ALL YOU EVER DID WAS WRECK MEEEEE!" The childish boy sung out again.

"On the count to three, we vote if Louis should just shut up so we can live in peace!" Liam yelled over that screeching sound.




All boys except Louis raised their hand desperately for the sound to stop.

"Aww come on! I just wanted to have some fun." Louis said very disappointed because of the decision the boys agreed on. He crossed his arms childishly and looked away from the boys, faking being upset. They all laughed at Louis joke, except for Harry.

"Don't you find Lou funny, Harry?" Zayn asked the stressed Harry.

"Umm I think we have a problem..." Harry said leaving the boys confused. "We are running out of gas."

"God Haz! Didn't yer fill up at the gas station when we got some food!" Niall questioned. He wasn't having a good day. Before the boys left, Niall missed a step on the stairs and rolled down, leaving his body to hurt for a little.

"Umm... No?"

Then the car stopped.

"Harry!" Louis screeched. "What do we do now?" They all looked at Harry, while he just sank in his seat. What are they really supposed to do?

"Zayn! My feet hurt!" Louis cried out. Zayn just gave Harry the death stare.

"Gosh! I said I was sorry!" Harry replied, putting his hands up on protest.

Since the car running out of gas, Liam thought it was the best way to go to the party is to walk.

Louis was whining about his feet, Niall was rubbing his stomach, complaining how hungry he was, Zayn crossed his arms angrily giving Harry death stares every now and then and Liam was searching up places you can hire cars on his iPhone.

"I got an idea! Let's go to the Addison Lee and book a minicab or something, since we are in London?" Suggested Harry.

The boys looked at eachother, them have Harry an agreeing nod.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU THINK OF THIS EARLIER?" Complained Louis. His feet hurt so much, he thinks they would have to take Louis to the doctor and get his feet amputated.

"Let me look he directions up!" Explained Liam. Then he was tapping away.

"Okay this is a 4 seater which is our last one left." The worker from Addison Lee told the boys.

"But there is five of us. Do you have anything bigger?" Liam questioned. The man shook his head.

"This is the only one. Someone has to miss out."

"GROUP HUDDLE!" Louis called out. Everyone including the worker placed their hands on their ears.

"Come on Lou. Again?" Niall told Louis. He just shrugged.

The boys huddled up like team players having a pep talk before a football match. "So what are we doing? Are we taking it, or leaving it?" Louis asked the boys. "Remember it can only fit 4 of us."

Each boy looked at eachother, not wanting to be the one to miss out on the party. It starts in 45 minutes, but it takes a bit of time to arrive to the party. This car is the only way to the party. Whoever misses out on the ride, misses the whole thing.

But Harry felt the most guilty being the one who put all the boys in this mess. He wants them to go instead of him.

"You boys have some fun. I'll stay behind. I'll go to the hotel and you guys can go. It's my fault we are in this position anyways."

They were all shocked. They didn't want Harry to go. "A-are you sure?" Zayn asked. Harry nodded in reply.

Liam gave Harry an apologizing look, "we'll take it."

"BYE HARRY! WE WILL MISS YOU! I LOOOOOVE YOU!" Louis called out, winding down the window of the 4 seater car.

Harry just did a simple wave and started walking. His feet hurt from walking last time, but at least the guilt is off his shoulders. He is a little disappointed he had to be the one who had to miss out, but Harry knows it was the right choice.

After 10 minutes of walking no where, Harry was getting tired. He reached a bench and starting searching up the hotel they were supposed to go to before. Harry glanced at the time. 6:00pm. Oh how he wishes he can go to that party. As he was searching up the hotel, an incoming call came to his phone. It read out Niall.

"Hello?" He asked. Then he ears the familiar Irish voice.

"Look behind you! Zayn said we can break some road rules!" He shouted.


Harry turned around to see the familiar black car holding his four best friends. Niall's head was stuck out the drivers seat window, gesturing him to come in. Then it struck Harry. 'Breaking road rules'... It's going to be a little crampy in that car...

"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked in suprise.

"We didn't want to leave you be bored at the hotel, so how about you come join us! It's okay to break rules." Zayn replied, yelling through Niall's window.

Harry open the car door and slid into an empty area of the car. "Hang on! Way to many people in this car!" Louis chuckled. Niall was driving, Zayn was in the seat beside him and Louis and Liam were at the back, prepared for some a squishy ride.

"Hurry up! We need to go NOW!" Niall complained. Soon the boys were off to the party.

"I wonder what the party will be like!" Questioned Niall. He was so excited for this party tonight! He absolutely loves parties. He like the drinks, the music and even the ladies. Niall was really looking forward to tonight.

"LETS GO!" Yelled out Louis. All the lads blocked their ears once again.

"Shut up Lou," Liam told Louis. They all walked out of the car. The music was beating loud, heaps of people were dancing and you could even see the drunken outside trying to walk.

The party house had streamers hanging from the roof, people dancing like it was their last night and the windows wide open so you can hear the loud, disco music.

"Awesome!" Squealed Niall. It was a massive house party!

The boys walked in the house. As they walked through the tough crowd, they reached the kitchen. It was over crowded with people taking heaps of sips from their drinks.

Some girls were giggling in the corner, pointing at the lads. The boys could hear one of the blonde hair girls say, "Oh my god! Is that One Direction?" Another saying, "yeah and apparently Harry is dating that model again. Stupid. She's not even that pretty."

Harry doesn't like hate toward his 'lady friends' or even just about himself or his family. He was quite hurt because he knew they were talking about Cara. They are very close friends. Nothing else.

"It's okay," whispered Liam. He over heard what the girls were saying. "Just don't listen."

They walked through another room, noticing a whole DJ system. They were playing heaps of songs while everyone was dancing around. Looks quite fun!

Niall already drank two cups of alcohol, offering each of the boys if they want some. Liam and Zayn were the only two who want to keep sober for the ride home.

During the night, there was a mixture of used drinking cups and multi-coloured balloons on the floor, ear piercing music and drunk visitors dancing around. It was clearly a big party! The lads must be having a great time!



Until next time...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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