Chapter 3

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I am strapped to a desk, my arms and legs and tied back with a leather strand. I look up and around the room there are no other desk, the room is a forest green. There's a white board in front of wear I am facing. There is a mirror to my left it's most likely 1 way glass. The room is about 20 feet both was.

Then, outside I hear the keys jingle, my heart stops for a second then I start jerking my hands and feet around. Then the person starts to turn to nob, then the door opens.

A man with a white lab coat apears and walks In to the room.He has a chair with wheels that he's draging with him. he has black hair, huge eye brows, a small pointy nose, and eyes that look completely black.

He moves his chair 2 feet I front of me then sits down. He takes a notebook and a pen from the back of the chair. He flips around in the notebook, he finds a blank page. He positions he pen like his is ready to write. Then he says in the deepest voice you can ever imagine, hello my name is Dr. Peatterson.

" Ok, so now that you know my name can I please know yours."


"Why can't I have your name?"

"Well, I am tied up in a room, I don't know, maybe, you all ready know my name."

"Well, I do it's just polite to ask for a persons name when you just meet them."

"Fine. It's Alison."

"Ok so know that we both know are names why am I here and why are you here."

" I am here because the counsel doesn't think that your sane enough to life with the rest of the town yet!"

" I am perfectly sane !!!"

"If you are perfectly sane then can I run a test on you."


"Please, if you don't I will have to knock you out then do the test. And you are doing the test no matter what, so you better pick the right answer."

" I will not let you do any test on me!!" Chapter 2

I am lying on my stomach, I try to sit up but I am strapped down and I start to panic. I try to break free by jerking my arms around. But nothing is working. My head is pounding, my heart racing. There are people talking, I only hear bits and pieces of what they say," Did ... hit her....

Then I hear a voice get stronger as they walk closer. "We're going to have to put 5 stitches on the back of her head." I hear metal clanking together. Then I feel a terrible poke on my left.. "OW" A shot on my left shoulder. Then I hear the buzz of a razor, and the coolness of the blade against my neck.

I wake up screaming and grabbing the back of my neck. A pain shoots up my neck. Wait where am I? I know where I am, I am in the hospital . As I look around the room I see my mom, Elouise, and a doctor talking to her. I don't know what to do, if I say something they will know I'm awake and put me to sleep again. Ok the doctor is coming to talk to me. "We need to give you 5 stitches, and your soul mate anklet was scraped off by an unknown male and stolen. We can't give you a new one but",.. "BUT WHAT?!" i screamed. He replied in the most soothing voice

" Please trust me Alison just let me do my job."

" Fine have it your way, Robert come here with the blue shot we have a refuser!"

I think Robert walks in but I never meet him before. He is carrying the biggest needle I have ever Seen, he pushes my brown hair away from my neck. He says,

"This shot will make you go to sleep for 2 days, so don't be too worried. "

He talks the needle that is filled with blue stuff and pokes it right next to my collar bone, about 5 seconds later I am about to go to sleep I hear then, I hear a gun shot, then my eyelids fall of my eyes.

I sit up in my own bed, I am hyperventilating so hard , I look at the clock on my side table it says 8:57am. I jump up and get ready for school, since it is Thursday. I put on a t-shirt and sweat pants, and mossasins. I start my moms cars then drive to school. I wish I had thought of going to Starbucks before I missed the turn.

Well, in about 15 minutes I am at school 2 and 1/2 hours late. They didn't care to much because I was in the hospital for 3 days they said it was 2nd period.

So I was walking to my locker when the bell rang. I am at my locker, right when I was putting my bag in my locker when someone squeezed me in to a big bear hug. I couldn't see them but I know it was my best friend Tallia. When she let go of me she starts talking realy fast. All I can do is nod and and an occasional ok. I tell her we need to start walking to history class.

All the students are sitting down and in there desk before the teacher comes in. Her some of people saying that we are going to have a sub today . I start to talk to Tallia about the boy in the blue hoddie. Then all the sudden everyone is quit.

I hear keys jingle as my face lost all the color. Then the door nob starts to turn, the door opens no one is there

Then the same person form my dream is my subitute teacher.

I need to get out of hear. The teacher is intodising himslef to the class, I raise my hand, the sub looks at me and ses ok you know my name but I don't know yours is.


"Ok,Alison what do you need ."

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Sorry your teacher said no one can go to the bathroom."



"If you don't let me go I will pee right here on this desk."

"Fine, you can go but no longer then 5 minutes."

I walk out of the history room I am running to my locker . I can't stay at school I can't. But I can't go home my mom is stay at home today, Talia is at school and will stay, so I guess I will go to Starbucks.

When I finally get to Starbucks I see a job application for a barista position, I grab one and order a pumpkin spice latte which is my favorite drink there. I sit at the table in the back corner. I am trying to calm down by playing angry birds and drinking my latte. But I can't help but remember that déjà vu felling when I saw the substitute.

I get home at 3:57 my mom isn't home so I decided to call Talia over to my house. She came over at 4:30 she wanted to know why I left school but I couldn't tell her about my dreams no one would hang out with a freak. I told her my stomach hurt she did't believe it, but she didn't push anymore. Talia ends up staying the night and my mom still isn't back yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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