Chapter 5 - The Studio

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The boys started to walk towards me and I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked up from the ground.

“You must be Vicky.” A boy with curly hair said.

“Yep that’s me!” I smiled.

“We need to get back to recording so you can sit down on the sofa over there if you want.”

“Great thanks.” I replied feebly.

“I’m Brad by the way. This is Tristan and that’s Connor.” He said pointing to a slim tall boy with blonde hair and a boy who was a bit taller than me with blonde and brown hair.

“Oh and you have already met James." Tristan winked at me.

I blushed and looked at the ground again and they all walked off into the recording area, closing the door behind them.

I went and sat on the sofa and pulled out my phone to see if I had any notifications.

I had a message from Dean telling me that he was around 5 minutes away which was good news.

I glanced over to the main door to the room as it swung open and James walked through with four bottles of water. He noticed that I was looking at him and grinned at me, before putting the bottles of water on the table and joining the rest of the guys in the recording area.

Tristan went into his little section with his drum kit whilst James, Brad and Connor all sat down on stools with various instruments.

I couldn’t hear them unfortunately but I could see what they were doing. Tristan started to drum and James started to strum on his guitar, whilst Brad sang and Connor filled in with the bass.

Suddenly, Dean walked through the door and he greeted me before immediately handing me a camera and telling me that he wanted me to try and film the boys in the recording studio.

He sat down as I got up, and opened up his laptop, which I assumed he was about to edit on.

I walked over to the door that led into the studio slowly; cautious and weary of what was going to happen. I was extremely shy and I almost felt embarrassed doing this.

I put my clammy hand on the metal handle and pulled the door towards me. It was heavy but the second it opened I was hit with the sound of music from the other side.

I carried on opening the door, the rich music swelling around me and I walked into the studio with the camera.

I felt the door close and it slammed against my back which made me wince.

The boys all turned to look at me and I waved feebly.

“Don’t mind me.”

There was a moment of silence before they all, weirdly in sync, returned back to recording.

I turned on the camera and brought it up to my face, gripping it tightly in my hands. I looked through the viewfinder and focused on the boys. I filmed them all individually before zooming out and recording a few shots of them all together.

I turned off the camera and left the little studio, walking over to Dean and handing him the camera which he plugged into his laptop and downloaded my files.

After they had finished downloading we watched them all and he commented on them, giving me positive feedback and also some constructive criticism on how I could improve next time.

It wasn’t long until the boys joined us from the recording studio.

James grabbed a bottle of water and glugged it down, before going into his rucksack which was on the floor near some other bags and instrument cases, and took out what looked like a cereal bar.

I squinted my eyes to try and read the label and he noticed me and said:

“It’s a protein bar. Want to try some?”   

“Oh no I’m fine thanks.” I mumbled and looked away to Dean’s laptop where he was editing.

The boys all started to talk and various laughs were projected around the room.

I fixed my eyes firmly on the screen of Dean's laptop, but tuned my ears to the surrounding sounds.

The boys suddenly changed the nature of their voices to muttering. I thought I heard my name and I turned around to face them. They all looked at me.

“We’re going to get back to writing some songs and shit.” Brad said as he led James, Connor and Tristan back through the door and into the studio.

“Um Dean.” I started when the boys had disappeared, “Would it be alright if my friend came around after she finishes her shift at this radio station that she is doing work experience at?”

“I don’t see why not.” He smiled at me.

“Great thanks.” I said as I pulled out my phone and texted Kat the good news.


Dean and I spent all the time up until lunch on his laptop, editing some footage of the boys.

When lunch finally came around they all ran out of the studio to their bags like little children finding presents on Christmas day, and got out their lunch.

I bent over and took my bag which was on the floor by my feet, and got out my lunch. I had a chicken and cucumber sandwich and a smoothie which I had bought at the train station, alongside a bar of chocolate.

“Is that naked juice?” Someone said, and I looked up and searched the room for the mystery voice.

“Umm yes.” I said, still wondering who asked the question.

“I love that stuff.” The same voice, which I soon found out was James,’ said.

“Yeah he is obsessed with that stuff.” Brad rolled his eyes.

I laughed and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I took it out and saw that I had a message from Isabelle:

“5 minutes until Kat is on! Are you listening?”

I suddenly remembered that Kat was going to be live on Radio 1.

I plucked up all the courage that I had in me and said loudly:

“Would it be alright if I listened to Radio 1? I don’t want to be rude, but my friend is on it for an hour today, and I just have to listen to some of it.”

“We can all listen to it.” Brad said with a smile.

I grinned back and opened an app on my phone and found the radio station.

It buffered slowly but finally connected and I turned up the volume.

A song called “Royals” By Lorde was just finishing and before I knew it, the sound of my friend’s voice came booming through the speakers on my phone.

A huge smile leapt across my face and I sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat, my eyes glued to my phone.

“And up next we have one of my absolute favourite artists, so you better like it.” She said, which made everyone in the room laugh.

I looked up to see the boys eating their lunch but also listening intently to the radio.

“Do I wanna know?” by The Arctic Monkeys came on the radio.

“I love this band! And this song!” Brad exclaimed, “Your friend has very good music taste.”

We listened to more of the show and the boys gradually finished their lunch.

Dean looked up from his laptop, saw this, clapped his hands together and said:

“Right let’s get back to work.”

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