Chapter 18 - Noah

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I arrived home in time for lunch and I made myself a chicken and cucumber sandwich the moment I got back. I grabbed an apple and a packet of crisps as well as my sandwich and a glass of water and headed upstairs slowly, trying not to drop or spill anything.

I set down my lunch on my desk and threw my bag onto my bed.

Before I sat down to eat, I pulled out my phone from my pocket which had vibrated when I was making my lunch, but I hadn’t bothered to look at it. It was a text from my friend, Kat, asking if I wanted to meet up today.

I had only planned to lounge around aimlessly, watching TV all day so I agreed and the plan was to catch a bus to her house, in an hour's time.

I decided that I wanted a shower, so I took one, before getting changed into a new outfit that consisted of my black jeans and an Aztec top, and dried my hair. After my hair was dry enough, I applied some light makeup on and packed a small bag to take with me.

It was 10 minutes until the bus came, when I left the house. I walked briskly to the stop and waited in the cold for the bus to arrive.

It came shortly and I hopped on and handed over my money to the driver who issued me a ticket. As soon as I sat down, the engine started and I was on my way.

You can probably guess what I did next, which was to take out my headphones from my bag and listen to my music.

It was nice to be back home, even though it was sad to leave James. I had left a note on the kitchen table, telling my parents that I was seeing Kat and I wouldn’t be back until after supper, so that they knew where I was, and they wouldn’t get angry.

The bus journey lasted around 45 minutes and before I knew it, my stop was just around the corner.

I pressed the button to indicate that I wanted to get off, packed away my phone and earphones and walked to the front of the bus, before hopping off.

The bus pulled away from the stop and I crossed the small road and walked up some steps to Kat’s house where I rang the doorbell and waited.

I heard some noises and voices coming from inside and suddenly the front door opened, but it wasn’t Kat that opened the door, or her younger brother or even her parents.

“Hi. You must be Vicky.” A boy said from behind the door.

Maybe he was a relative?

“Umm yes that’s me.” I answered, staring in confusion at him.

“My name’s Noah.”

Maybe he was a neighbour?


“Kat’s boyfriend?” The boy continued, after a long pause.

“Kat’s boyfriend?” I repeated.

“Vicky?” A voice sounded from nearby.

Kat poked her head under Noah’s arm that was resting against the door, and ran towards me when she saw me, pulling me into a hug.

“It’s so good to see you!” I smiled, after we had finished hugging.

“You too! It’s been far too long. We have a lot to catch up on.” Kat grinned.

“You can say that again.” I raised my eyebrows up at her.

“Have you heard from Isabelle?” Kat asked me as I took off my shoes and followed her into the house.

“Not in a while. We occasionally text each other but we haven’t met up.”

“Me neither. We need to meet up. All three of us.”

 We all walked through to the sitting room and Kat and Noah sat down on the sofa, whilst I grabbed a beanbag and sat on the floor in front of them.

I heard a small pattering sound and I turned my head to see where the noise was coming from.

Suddenly, a small, black, French Bulldog came bounding towards me from the kitchen and I yelped as it jumped onto me.

“When did you get this?!” I asked in shock, whilst stroking the gorgeous dog.

“Noah and my parents got it for me.” Kat grinned at Noah who gave her a peck on the lips.

“He’s adorable.” I laughed.

The dog bounded away suddenly, obviously hearing something worth investigating and I got comfortable on the beanbag once again.

“I should be off.” Noah broke the silence.

“Are you sure? You can stay, honestly, it’s no trouble.” Kat replied.

“I need to get back to my family. My cousins are coming around for dinner.”

“It was nice to meet you Noah.” I said.

“You too Vicky.” He smiled back at me, before heading to the front door.

Kat followed him and I was left alone in the sitting room. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any notifications. I sent a brief text to James before Kat came running back into the room. She jumped onto the sofa and I got up off of the beanbag and sat down next to her, facing her.

“You have a lot of explaining to do.” I grinned at her.

“Yeah I know, I’m sorry.” She giggled.

We spent the next hour or two talking about things that had happened since we last saw each other. Going to different schools, and barely having any time to chat was proving difficult but we managed to tell each other practically everything that had happened in our lives.

“He’s your boyfriend?!” Kat exclaimed, after I had told her that James and I were together.

“Yeah.” I grinned back at her.

“This is so exciting! We really need to talk to Isabelle. Should we try and arrange something?”

“She told me a while back that she was going away to Spain, so I don’t know if she will be at home.” I sighed.

“Oh that sucks.” Kat frowned.

After sitting in silence for a while, contemplating Isabelle’s whereabouts, Kat decided that we should watch a film. We chose Inception, which we both love.

When the film ended, it was time for supper and I followed Kat through to the kitchen. Her parents and brother were out for the evening apparently, so they had left sausages which we could have with mashed potato and carrots. Kat let me cook mostly, and we sat down at the kitchen table with our food about an hour later.

After we had finished and gossiped even more, we cleared up and I decided that I should head back.

“It was great to see you Kat.” I said, and pulled her into a hug.

“You too! We must do this again soon.” She grinned.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and walked to the bus stop, after waving goodbye.

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