Adventure 1: The Storm

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The storm hit not too long after we killed that man... It wasn't the best weather either. It was cold and dark. Lukas and I built this small dome made out of leaves and twigs that where nearby.
"I'm cold," I say. The grass was soft so I lied down on it and then I kinda got warmer.
"Here," Lukas says handing me is coat. I shake my head.
"Lukas no, you'll get cold!" I protest. I do remember packing a blanket into my bag. I sit up and grab the bag and take out the blanket. Draping it over me I feel warmer.
"Let's sleep, we have to walk again tomorrow," Lukas says laying down next to me giving me extra warmth.
"Are you sure you don't want some of the blanket?" I offer.
"It's fine Gemma, I'll be fine," He says closing his eyes. I really don't want anything to happen. I drift off to sleep.

The next morning everything was wet. The trees, the grass, everything! Luckily, Lukas and I were warm and dry. It'll be a little harder to move in the soggy grass but we aren't that long from the middle of the unexplored part of the forest!
"Wake up Lukas, it's morning!" I say gently while shaking him.
"I'm up... how wet is everything?" He asks sleepily.
"Everything is wet, it'll be harder to move but we can manage!" I assure putting the blanket back into the bag.
"Okay." He says walking out of the dome. We can hopefully move around pretty fast.

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