You Find Out He's A Werewolf/About Werewolves

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~ You always loved mythical creatures like vampires and werewolves. Finding out that your boyfriend was a werewolf was one of the best things to find out about! As much as you loved Cora you did tell Derek that he shouldn't have fallen into Peter's trap because now he's not an Alpha anymore. Derek was scared that you'd freak out and never want to see him again. He loves the fact that you're ok with it and that you love it. He doesn't know that you have a secret if your own that similar to his. Oh! You found out because Derek finally decided to sit down and tell you


~ You found out about werewolves when Sheriff Stilinski let you in one day and told you that Stiles was in his room. His door was open so you knocked on the door frame.

"What's up dad?" He asked, not looking away from his computer where he was looking up different things about wolves

His dad already knows about them now so he's not worried about it.

"Guess again" You say, walking again

Stiles looks at you

"Oh my! Hey, (Y/N)! What's up?" He panics a little bit tries to act natural as he quickly puts the tab at the bottom and looks at you

"What were you looking up?" You ask

He glances between you and the computer screen

"What just now?"

"Yeah, Stiles. Just now" You reply

"Different ways to tell you how much I love you?" He answers but it comes out more of a question

"Stiles" You respond

He sighs and gives in, reluctantly telling you everything. It freaks you out at first but Stiles assured you that you're safe and he won't let anything happen to you.


~ You found out by overhearing him and Stiles talking about it. You walked into Scott's room

"Werewolves are real and you're one?" You ask, a little freaked out

Stiles casually looks up at the ceiling and then at Scott then you

"What. Pfft, no. Scott's not a wolf. Werewolves aren't real, what are you talking about?" He says

You can't help but smile a little at Stiles who's failing terribly at lying to you.

"Scott?" You ask, looking at him

He sighs and looks at Stiles. They have a silent argument that makes you laugh. They tell you everything. After hearing it all you're pretty cool with it actually. You think its totally badass!


~ You had found out when the Alphas first came to Beacon Hills. Aiden and Ethan, well, Aiden, tried to kill you. Isaac knew he couldn't win against an Alpha but he protected you as best as he could then Derek, Scott, and Stiles showed up. Derek and Scott helped Isaac while Stiles quickly explained everything to you. You were really freaked out but were ok with after Isaac promised nothing would happen to you because he wouldn't let it


~ He loses control in front of you. It scares you like crazy. After he regains control of himself he apologizes countless times and promises over and over that he'll protect you from anything that dares to try to hurt you. Finally you laugh and kiss him to get him to be quiet. He smiles into it, ecstatic that you're not going to leave him


~ You almost died when Jennifer tried to kill you so Aiden had to turn you. Since you're his mate you instantly became an Alpha. You adapted to it really fast and instantly loved it. You were really hyper one day after Aiden bit you, you ran up the wall and did a flip over him as you laughed and giggled a "Weeee!", which made him smile and laugh because he thought it was and you were/are undeniably adorable.

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