Important Author's Note

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in the past 2 and a half weeks. I'll be diving back into the preferences and imagines sometime this week. If I haven't posted your imagine yet, please inbox me to let know.

Also, big news!! I finally have a tumblr!!! Please please please go check it out. Its called DragMeDownToBeaconHills .... I'm going to be doing picture and gif preferences and imagines for all tons of things. A brief list is One Direction, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Our2ndLife, 5 Seconds Of Summer. That barely scratches the surface! It'll range from TV shows, bands, movies, singers, actors, etc. So again, if you have a tumblr, please check it out and please follow me. I've posted tons of things already so check those out too =) ... Okay, that's it for now, I guess. Thanks for reading and I'll update again soon.

I'll be updating on tumblr several times every day, so if you want more of my writing, check it out!

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