The common hall is a very large room that's two floors tall. At this time, Usually it's full of the students in a haste to get to their classes. But today it's the SAC speech day. The room is now filled with students waiting for the new grade 9 SAC candidates to do their speech. The students chattered excitedly about what the candidates are going to promise them. What they don't know is, most of the candidates have inside relations with the SAC and is planning on succeeding their style of school management. But not all of them.
"Good thing we succeeded placing Hentard in the candidates list. I had to search for a entry point day and night in order to get inside. The TBSD System is much more secure than the TSB systems." I said as me and Jerry walked towards the common hall.
"Good thing you hacked in, or there's no way Hentard can be accepted by the system." Jelly said.
"Well, TBSD said the computers are going to randomly choose candidates. But obviously, the SAC rigged the system. The SAC, they have too much 'inside relations' with the TBSD. "I said as we sat down in the common hall.
"Anyways," I added "we have to prepare for anything. We are not familiar with how the SAC does stuff unlike in the elementary school days."
Jerry nodded silently and we both directed our attention towards the podium on the stage.
"Silence!" As the loud voice from the principle reverberated in the commons, everyone fell silent. The room darkens. The unimportant candidates comes up and does their speech trying to convince people to vote for them. Honestly, their speeches are nearly all the same. It's the the same speech just rephrased. Me and Jelly yawned and yawned in between each speech.
"Next Candidate, Hentard! "A loud voice announces. Suddenly, the lights are focused on the center of the stage. Me and Jerry are as alert as we have ever been.
Hentard paced into the lights. He said with a proud voice:
"Hi, I'm Hentard. Most of you probably didn't know me. But I want the best for all of you. The current SAC has not done enough for you grade 9s. In fact, they have not done enough for all of you. The grade 9s are constantly threatened by..."
"Shit, he is off track." I said anxiously to Jelly.
"We told him to not say anything against in SAC" Jelly said with outrage
"He's going to get himself killed" I said frustratedly
"the grade 10s. All Students are being pressured "by a huge workload from teachers and they are being disregarded by the teachers. This is all because of the current SAC, and it will continue this way under the other candidates. But I'm different, I want to bring real change. I will to make Battoon great again! Let's make Battoon great again! Together we'll lead the school into safety, prosperity, and peace. We will build a wall between the grade 9 and grade 10s to stop grade 10s from sending their rapists, bullies..."
At this point of his speech, the whole crowed was cheering for him
"Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!"Jelly yelled to me through all the noise and commotion and he pointed towards the bunker located in the walls at the top of the room.
I saw him, HIM!!!! Setting up his sniper rifle while staring at Hentard.
"DO SOMETHING!!" Jelly yelled at me.
I immediately pulled out my windows tablet and connected it to the keyboard.
"They are definitely using a electronically guided weapon. Means I could probably hack into it." I though as I'm hacking the Battoon local security server. I have never typed on my keyboard this fast in my life, or hacked this much in my life. I broke in to the system just in time before he had adjusted his aim at Hentard. I disabled the bullet tracking, but no the entire weapon.
"and terrorists to attack us," Hentard continued not knowing the dangers he is in. "We will force more responsibilities on to teachers and make them give us less homework. We will ...."
I saw in the corner of my eye that his finger is on the trigger. "NO!!" I yelled as I charged up to the stage parting the crowed. I clinched Hentard tight using both by arm the pushed his on to the ground. As we as falling to the ground, I saw the light coming out of the barrel of the sniper rifle. Then I heard the bang, and the bullet cut across the air grazing my leg while the crowed was screaming in the background. The bullet hit the wooden floor and pieces of wood flew in to the air as the smoke rise as the spot of impact.
To Be Continued....