Night ar S.H.E.L.I.D. Part 3

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Loki POV

"She just passed out I didn't do anything I promise" I said to Fury. His eyes staring deep into my soul. Thor was coming any time now ... hopefully. if not R.I.P. of Loki coming up anytime now. Fury thinks I knocked out Emlie which we all know that I didn't her head started to hurt and she passed out.

"Emlie doesn't just pass out because of a headache she is way stronger than that"

"Well this time she did and keep in mind she is a little on the sick side"

"Yea sure well good thing you are going home soon"

"Yea good thing"

"Wait where Sally?"


Yea I know too short been having writers block and the holidays but I promise after new years I will start back up. Hope you had a happy Christmas or whatever you celebrate in this time of year!

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