#2: A New Start

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Gorilla-Thing looks at the Orangutan as it stops in front of him.

"Calm down my dear friend. I will get this stuff out of us.", Gorilla-Thing innocently says to the giant Orangutan, trying to make the creature stay calm.

"I have no need for you or your help. I'm finally evolved enough to get out of this confinement! I'm leaving this place Human.. Or. Should I say primate?", The Orangutan laughs. "I'm no longer an animal to you! I am a king and I will be treated as such."

Gorilla-Thing stares in amazement, silent as just hearing the animal speak to him caught him off guard. The orangutan takes this opportunity to quickly jump out of the compound and into nearby trees. Gorilla-Thing slowly turns into Vray again. 

"What in the world is going on right now..", Vray mumbles to himself as he looks at his hands. "Seems as if I can control the transformation into that Gorilla..", He stops when he hears sirens heading towards the zoo in the distance. He quickly escapes the zoo, heading to his apartment.

The investigators look all around the zoo and take pictures to analyze and such, but one thing in particular was missing. The crates. The ones that held the shots were gone. The investigators view the security camera footage and can't believe their eyes.

The lead investigator named Michelle Enigma viewed everything carefully. "We are going to have to apprehend these two creatures. Go to the man named Vray's house. Proceed with caution. We don't know what we are dealing with here.", she states while looking at police around her. They immediately start to head to Vray's apartment complex.

Vray sits in his apartment, all blinds down and doors locked. "What happened to me? This can't be real.. It's just a bad dream. I'll wake up soon. Jonah will wake me up, I must've fallen asleep during lunch. Soon.. This feeling of.. Not knowing. Will go away.", He sighs.

Hoards of police in heavy gear start to ambush the doors and windows of his home, starting to crash the windows and busting down the door.

Vray gets startled and looks at them all with wide eyes. He puts his hands up. "I-I'm sorry!"

The police grab him and shove him to the ground.

Vray starts to feel an urge of rage and slowly turns into Gorilla-Thing, that makes the police start to open fire on him in panic, but to their surprise the bullets bounce off his thick skin.

Gorilla-Thing looks at all of them. "You have to listen to me! It isn't my fault!"

Some of the police's bullets ricocheted off Gorilla-Thing, killing them.

"We know! You are unstable and dangerous! Turn back into your regular person form! Let us help you!", One of the surviving officers exclaim.

"You can't help me! No one can!", Gorilla-Thing gets filled with even more rage and loses control. Tearing the remaining police in half. "Should've left me alone."


Jonah slowly wakes up in a locked basement. He feels weird. His mind is filled with murderous thoughts and memories that aren't his. His mind isn't working the same. It is as if anything about him before this moment has been wiped and replaced with new moments. He only remembers one name. Vray.

Writer: Kobee Cottrill

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