Chapter 5

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Sorry this update took so long! My family has been together for the past week and I was sick before that! I hope this update is worth the wait! :)

Song: Right There by Ariana Grande

Victoria’s POV

3 months later………………….

Going to college at an academy for various creatures makes a girl realize how boring Bon Temps was. Every class has a dedicated professor, engaging topics, and interesting students. I’ve met many different werewolves, witches, and shape shifters. There’s been only one person to give me trouble.

A werewolf named Eleanor Calder. 

From what a girl in my history class told me, she dated Louis for a few months and was heartbroken when he dumped her. She looks for any excuse to humiliate me.

I’ve also been keeping Louis at arm’s length ever since the run in with Harry. The dreams involving the curly haired vampire happen at least once a week now. I can’t even look him in the eye around campus without blushing. 

Just as I was heading for my afternoon English class, the front office called me down over the intercom system. I frowned before changing directions towards the office, by bag swinging slightly on my shoulder. 

“Hello?” I pushed open the door. “I heard my name over the intercom.”

“Oh yes, you’re wanted in the assistant principal’s office,” the secretary smiled sweetly at me. “First door to your left.”

Assistant principal.


My stomach dropped with dread and I thanked the secretary shakily before knocking quietly on the door. 

“Come in,” the deep voice commanded. 

Pushing open the door, I was met with the sight of Harry typing furiously at his computer. As soon as he caught my scent, his head snapped up.

“Hello Tori,” he smirked. “So glad you could come.”

“What did you need?” I asked quietly.

I tried to keep eye contact with him, but as the dreams came flooding back, my cheeks burned with embarrassment and I lowered my gaze. 

“I just wanted to know how your week was going, but now I’m curious as to why you won’t look at me,” Harry stood up. “Is everything okay?”

“Just fine,” I cleared my throat. “School is good.”

Harry’s shoes came into view on the ground as he stepped into my personal bubble and he chuckled at my stiffening form. 

“Tori,” he murmured, putting a finger under my chin. “Look at me.”

I sighed in defeat before finally locking gazes with the green eyes that had been haunting my dreams. My pulse sped up as he grinned wickedly while stoking my cheeks. 

“Have any good dreams lately?” he murmured. 

Everything suddenly made sense.

“You bastard!” I shoved him away roughly. “You fed me your blood so that you could torture me!” 

“I would hardly call it torture,” he chuckled. “If they’re similar to my dreams than you should be thanking me.”

“I can’t believe I actually wanted to be your friend,” I fumed. “I thought you were a nice guy!”

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