The Day has Came

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The day after the game Ash is at home putting all of his stuff together to leave pallet town for the last time.

Ash:"I'm really gonna miss this place"

Delia:"I am too. It'll be okay Ash. I'm sure you will make new friends at your new school."

Ash:"Yeah. You're right mom. Lets get things packed"

Ash and Delia packed everything up and put it into the truck. They both walked around the house one last time. They get to the truck, only to be greeted by all of Viridian high and pallet town.

Ash:"I guess this is for me huh"

Gary steps forward. "You are right Ashy-boy. We are all here to wave you goodbye. Besides the best player in Kanto is moving. Who wouldn't miss the opportunity to say how good of a player he is before he moves."

Ash started to laugh at that one. He went up to Gary and gave him a hug.
Ash:"Gary I'm gonna miss you, lead this team like I do. You all have good potential without me. I want y'all to play like you played last night all the time. No excuses."

Gary:"You better believe that I will. Ash take good care man. Let me know when you get there and keep me updated on how you are kicking ass and taking names in Kalos"

Ash:"I sure will Gary. Ill make sure of it."

With that being said, Ash and Delia got into the truck and started to drive off. "I'm sure gonna miss this place," Ash thought before he drifted into a slumber.

Ash has always worked hard for everything to get where he has gotten to today. He believes he will get to play football in Kalos. What he doesn't know is that he will meet someone special. Honey blonde hair and sapphire eyes will stand out to him the most. He doesn't know how to feel until someone tells him. Who tells him? Maybe an old friend. Everything will change for Ash Ketchum when he gets to Kalos. We will see these changes very soon.

Hey guys. I decided to put out the last chapter for the Kanto region tonight. I I figured I should get on with it with the kalos part of the story. I will do my best to publish the next chapter soon. I'm sorry this is short but i feel like it's time for kalos. Until next time!

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