Chapter 39~ You

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So I did what any rational woman would do.

I ran.



I wanted as Hermione bolted for the exit.

God this woman will be the end of me.

I began running after her as fast as I could with Blaise close behind me. I heard Ginny's steps right behind Blaise's then Pansy's. I snapped twice and stretched my left arm out. Blaise quickly responded and flanked my left. Ginny picked up quickly and flaked my right, While Pansy began to make a loop around the house. We watched as Hermione headed to the door.

She opened it and ran threw it quickly darting off into the beach area. I gave a sharp whistle and everyone seemed to know just what to do.

As she approached the water we managed to flank her on all sides, Ginny and Pansy to the right while Blaise took the left.

I attempted to walk up to her calmly, reaching out my hand so she'd take it.

"Hermione." I whispered. "Please."

She stepped forward and slid down onto the hot sand. You could see it was burning the soles of her feet every step she took, it must have hurt even more.

I walked up to her and picked her up bridal style, she fidgeted slightly obviously uncomfortable with the situation. I could see her pout as we started walking back. A smile made its way to my face seeing her act like that. It lets me know my Hermione is still in there, somewhere at least.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"You." I laughed.


"You thought you could out run the best quitich player in Hogwarts." I said with a sly smile.

"Excuse me, I think you mean me?" Ginny said with a boastful manner.

"No he means me right?" Blaise said with a smile.

Pansy sighed, "Sports players. I mean seriously." She laughed.

I saw a smile spread across her face. She is in there somewhere, hopefully that friend of mine can do me a favor he promised.


After getting back to our room I laid her on the bed and propped up her burned feet.

I had given the others the day off since the dark lord has yet to give us any instructions after our past mission. Blaise offered to send the paper work himself which I thanked him for.

Leaving Ginny and Pansy to themselves. Hopefully they will not burn the house down by mistake.

I summoned Jeeny by snapping my fingers and instructed her to get me warm water and a cloth. As soon as she was gone Hermione gave me an odd look.

"Yes?" I asked.

"How does she do that?"

"Do what?"

"How does Jeeny seem to appear then disappear?" Hermione specified.

"Oh she's a house elf," I began, "so she serves who ever owns the house or we buy her and have her work here."

"That's slavery, and it's wrong." She protested.

"Hermione." I said with a sigh.

"It is not right. I do not think you would like it if you had to work for someone without pay. Think of the horror of being bought. She could have had family. Why do you not dress them properly? Rags cannot be comfortable." She said quickly.

"Because presenting them with cloths is equivalent to releasing them, making them free elf's. It is legal so yes it is alright. I have never once heard that they were uncomfortable but if it means that much to you I can ask if she is okay with it."

"I would like that very much thank you." She said with a smile.

"At least its not the S.P.E.W. nonsense again." I muttered turning away from her.

"S.P.E.W.?? What's that?"

"Not again..."

"Draco. What is S.P.E.W??"

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