17. My Spark

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What I want more than anything these days is to feel the spark of life I once felt not so long ago.

The spark that made sadness okay and temporary. The spark that made getting up in the morning easier. It made me enjoy walking through the rain or looking up at the clouds.

It comes only in fleeting moments these days. A sunset, or the color of the lake will ignite it once more.

But only moments pass before it dies. It's akin to trying to start a fire with wet wood. Nearly impossible. But not completely.

Work at it long enough and you'll have a fire. Small as it may start it will grow.

I crave those moments where I feel the spark, the will to live another day.

Someday, someday I'll let it engulf me in flames, take me to a place beyond my current understanding of the world. It will take me to my higher self someday.

But for now I'll savor the seconds that I feel it. For I am not sure if I can save it.

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