Death and the maiden

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When I got to the boarding house this morning I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. I decided to take Stefan a cup of coffee. I walked upstairs and walked into his room I seen him sleeping I was going to turn around when he suddenly wakes up.

"Morning." I say to him. He looks at me and relaxes." I made coffee. How did you sleep?"

"Oh,um..... not good." he groans as he sits up in bed.

"First night back in your own bed. Not ad comfy as Tessa's couch?"

"If we're gonna talk about Tessa, I think im gonna need that caffeine." I walk over and hand him tge cup of coffee." So, uh, what's up with the wake up call?"

"I miss you. I feel like when you lost your memories, I lost a friend, and I was thinking instead of just describing how much we meant to each other, maybe we could just start fresh. Hi, im Amanda." I smile and extend my hand.

"After you disappeared when we slept together I was driving to Portland." he says as he swings his legs over the side of the bed and looks at me

"What?" I was shocked

"That night we slept together and you left. I woke up and looked for you when I couldn't find you. I left and I took Silas to the quarry, I said goodbye to Lexi, and then I decided to keep driving west." Stefan says."why did you leave? "

"I guess I got scared." the trust is I didn't want to leave Stefan but I had too because I didn't want to come between him and Damon more then I did already. "Hang on. How do you remember that?"

"Because my memories are back."

"Really? Are you serious? How?"

"Tessa came here last night and she undid whatever spell fried my brain and its all back. I can remember everything"

"Stefan, this is great! This is amazing! " I said. Stefan stood up from the bed and walked over to me. He leaned in and was gonna kiss me but I turned my head and he kissed my cheek

"What's the matter?" I looked at him how am I gonna tell him im with someone. We heard Elena and Damon downstairs.

"Come on let's tell them the good news." I turned around but Stefan grabbed my hand."we'll talk later." Stefan lets go of my hand and him and I walk out his room and down the stairs. We see Damon and Elena sitting on the couch

"Stefan can remember." I say

"Really? That's good." Elena says

"October 1852." Damon says

" you broke my nose trying to teach me how to throw a right hook." Stefan says

"But not on purpose." Damon says as he looked at Elena and I." just to be clear. How much did you pay for that hunk if junk motorcycle you ride?"

" that's a trick question. You bought me that motorcycle, although im guessing it was pretty expensive."

"So Tessa just gave you back your memories, no strings attached." Damon says

"Well, it wasn't exactly a gift. It was a lot to take in at once, everything from blowing out the candles on my first birthday cake to drowning in a safe."

"Stefan." I said. Stefan holds his glass a little to tight and it breaks in his hand.

"Whoa! Easy there, buddy." Damon says as he pushes ne behind him

"Stefan what happened? "Elena asks

"All that and I still can't remember my own strength." Stefan says with a smile. We all hear a noise." what's that noise?"

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