True Love

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My name is Mason. I'm a 17 year old boy. One thing you may not know about me is that I'm a hardcore directioner. Tonight was the night. The One Direction concert. I had won front row seats on a local radio station, not like my parents would ever buy them for me, let alone take me. I'm having to hitch a ride from my annoying ass brother who calls me faggot instead of Mason. Anyway, I won two tickets. I tried to find someone who wanted to go with me, but no one was willing. Everyone thinks I'm a freak, after all. I have cuts and bruises up and down my arms. The bruises are from my dad, but no one believes me. He tells me he's gonna beat the gay out of me. Well, look at how far that's gotten him. He beats me everyday. We have a prayer circle to "pray the gay away" every morning and then he'll do the routine thrashing on me. He doesn't know I'm going to this concert, if he did, he'd probably kill me. I got dressed in my favorite outfit, my plain white, two times too big sweater, skinny jeans, and some red vans. My brother honked for me to come on. I ran down the stairs and ran out of the door with the tickets in my pocket. I didn't know who I'd give the second one to. I guess I could be nice and give it to some random person with nose bleed seats.

The ride was what I expected. My brother making fun of me and trying to act like a dude. I just stared out of the window and waited. As we neared the arena, my brother stopped.

"Get out. I don't want anyone to see me near that place."

"What? But that is at LEAST a mile to walk!"


"Hey, don't talk to him like that." I turned around to see who said it. A girl with bright auburn hair stood behind me in a fetus shirt and skinny jeans. As much as I wanted to yell the word carrot, I was glad that someone stood up for me. My brother peeled out as fast as he could go and I turned to leave when the auburn haired girl reached for my arm. I had to bite my lip from screaming. I looked down at my sleeve. She must of accidently opened one of my cuts and it was slowly turning my sleeve bright red.

"Oh, shit. Hold on." She reached into he purse and pulled out a Band-Aid. "This happened to me once. One of my cuts reopened and now I'm prepared. I'm Savannah, by the way."

"Umm. Hi. I'm Mason."

"Nice to meet you, Mason." She smiled brightly at me as she lifted my sleeve up. She opened the band aid and stuck it on the cut. "So, where are you off to, Mason?"

"Oh, um, the One Direction concert."


"Well, I kind of figured." I said as I pointed to her shirt.

"Oh, yeah. This carroty thing was the only shirt I could find." We had small talk all of the way down to the arena until we finally got in. We started to walk into the lobby when I remembered my extra ticket.

"Hey, um, Savannah? Where are you sitting?"

"Oh, I'm sitting in the upper levels. I bought them too late and had to settle with these."

"Well, I happen to have an extra ticket. I bet you'll like the seat better." I started to walk towards our entrance and pulled out the tickets to show the guard at the gate.

"Um, Mason? Are these really floor seats?"

"Even better. Close your eyes." I grabbed her arm and led her all the way down to the front. I sat down in my seat and then sat her down. "You can open them now." When she opened her eyes, she screamed louder than a banshee. She ripped the ticket from my hands and jumped up and down. She bent down and hugged me as tight as she could. We were really early, but there were already quite a bit of people there. As I was chatting it up and laughing with Savannah, I heard a voice that made my heart skip a beat.


"Mason? What th-" Savannah tried to say

My dad had reached us and he gripped me as hard as he could by the arm. "COME ON YOU LITTLE FAG WE'RE GOING HOME."

"Em, excuse me, but what in the bloody hell are you doing." I spun around to the Irish voice and about dropped to the floor. Niall Horan had come on stage. "I heard the commotion and came down here. Why are you hurting the guy?"


"Security!" Two strong men came and grabbed him by the arms and dragged him away as he screamed curse words and threats. I stood in shock for a second. I got over it pretty quickly and ran.

"Wait!" I heard Niall say, but I kept running. I was just going to the bathroom, but I needed to get away. I went inside and ran into one of the stalls. I slammed and locked the door and slid to the floor. I cupped my head in my hands and bawled. Why did my life have to be fucked up? Why me? I heard footsteps come into the bathroom. I stopped crying, I didn't want anyone to hear me cry.

"Aye, you in here little fella?" I couldn't believe it. It was Niall. I tried to stay quiet. I didn't want him to see me. Not like this. "Aye, I can see your feet, open the door." I sat as still as a tree, "Okay then, I'm comin in." He lied on the floor and scooted himself under the crack. I hid my head in the arms. He slid over next to me and gave me a hug. I started bawling like a baby at that point. He put his hand on the back of my head and we sat there for a good 3 minutes.

"Look. I need you to tell me what happened. Is your dad abusive? I can see the bruises on your neck, so don't lie." I weakly nodded yes. "Well, come on, I can help you, em, what's yer name?"

"M-mason." I managed to stutter.

"Alright Mason. Why don't you come back to the auditorium. We'll get this all sorted out. I won't let him hurt you again, okay?" I nodded my head. I didn't believe him. As much as I loved him, he was just a celebrity who tried to make himself look better. He helped me up and we walked back to my seat together. As I sat down, he went back onto the stage, winked a beautiful blue eye at me, and went off.

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