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I went into the room as quick as I could. I rested on my crutches as Liam was frantically wiping away the blood.

"Niall... Why would you do this?" I stuttered.

"How about both of you fuck off! I don't need your sympathy!" He slapped Liam's arm away from his and attempted to get up, but slid back down the wall.

"Niall, you need to tell us why you're doing this." I told him.

"I don't need to tell any of you shit! You don't understand what I'm going through!" Hurt instantly came over me. I teared up and started to go back to my room when Niall yelled.

"Where the fuck are you going mate?" He asked softer now. I was angry, and tired, and sad. I just went to the room next door and fell asleep, trying to forget the scene that just happened.


I felt lost, I looked around in the vast forest and ran. I didn't know why but I felt like someone was chasing me. I tripped and felt like I twisted my ankle. As I sat on the ground I heard footsteps approaching. I tried to crawl, but felt like I was being held by something. I tried to claw against the ground, move my feet, anything that would escape my from this trapped feeling. I broke free and ran, but as fast as I got free, I was down again. I turned around and saw a black figure standing above me.

"Long time no see, Mason." The face came into view. It was one that I didn't miss. The man was my father. He grabbed my wrist and looked at my scars. "Well, I see you picked up where I left off, oh how I've missed being able to torture you." I tried to run but he grabbed my shoulder. "Mason." I screamed louder. "Mason." He raised his fist and I tried to squirm out of his grasp, kicking, punching, anything I could try. "MASON!"

My eyes flew open. I felt a hand on my shoulder and screamed again. I fell off of the bed and backed myself against the wall. I burst into tears. I had tried to put what happened with my dad in the past, but it was like he was getting closer, trying to get me. I felt someone hug me, I really didn't care who it was, but I gripped on them and cried onto their shoulder. I lifted my head and saw a tangle of blond hair in front of me.


"What happened Mason? You were screaming in your sleep. When I tried to wake you up, you started kicking and punching me. You scared me half to death."

"I'm sorry Niall." My eyes wandered to the floor and he put his hand under my chin and made me look him straight in the eye.

"Mason, we can get through this. I promise. The cutting, your father, any problem you have, come talk to me. And when I have a problem, I'll tell you." He pulled me into a hug and we were both crying at this point.

"Promise?" I sniffled. He held out his pinky finger.

"I pinky promise." He said with a smile. Our pinkys connected and I laughed at the child like gesture. He helped me up and put me into my bed.

"Wait, what time is it Niall?"

"It's 10:00 PM. You should get some rest, okay?"

"I-I can't Niall. I'm scared."

"I won't let anything happen to you Mason. I promise." I lied my head down. I couldn't get to sleep for what felt like hour.


I woke up to my phone going nuts with Twitter notifications. I logged in and the first thing I saw was a picture of Niall kissing a girl. They were at a bar and he had a few empty beer bottles on the table. I scrolled down some more and almost stopped breathing. One of the fan accounts I had followed was starting even more shit.

@shippingnason - This whole Niall with a girl thing is probably set up by Modest! Don't believe the media xX

@niallhoran - @shippingnason I guarantee I kissed her! I'm not gay, that's utter shit! "Posted three seconds ago."

I sat up and looked over at the bed next to me and saw Niall asleep. Something fishy was going on, and I didn't like it. At all. She didn't even accuse him of being gay, yet "Niall" felt the need to say he wasn't. I was starting to think Modest! was up to something.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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