My evil stepsister and I

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Alexis P.O.V.

I Dont know how this feud even started. Never in my life have i done anything to this girl.... or should i even call her a girl.. Ladies and gentlemens give it up for satans spawn the one and only Lucy Marie Smith. Everytime i say her name i want to kill myself.

"Didn't you just hear what I said you ugly witch" Lucy had just snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Excuse you miss.Bitch butt you don't ever talk to me like that" I gave her my most evilest glare.

"First of all Bitch you dont talk to me like that. I will tell my daddy. Got it? Good"

"First of all let me count how many fucks i have that you'll tell your 'daddy' one, two, none so shut the hell up. Second of all I dont give a damn if you tell your dad anything thats been going on hes not my father so he cant do shit to me" After saying that it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.. But then of course being put on again by Lucy. And if you've havent noticed i don't go down without a fight.

"Your so right lexi" She said with an evil smile. "Hes not your father no man alive would ever want to be your father...... Your first one already killed himself in a car accident" She laughed then stormed out the room. But before she can leave i grabbed her by her shirt and slammed her against the wall.

"Dont you ever talk about my father again"

"Its okay lexi hes dead... hes not ever gonna come back so it doesnt matter" She smiled then walked away.

"At least my mother didnt have me at 13 and then leave me at the front porch of randoms persons house" oh shit I went to far. But i dont care. She talked about my father so why not.... Before she caught up to me i ran into a person which i thought was a wall. When i relized who it was i started to pannick. It was no other than Imani Wilson. The hottest person at Union high school.


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