Chapter 2

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Writers Note:
- Hey guys, this is the 2nd chapter of my "Decisions and Fate" and I hope you enjoy this part. I wanna take a moment and thank each one of the people that read this story, it means alot as this is my first one and hopefully not the last, sorry for the long wait ..enough rambling. On to the story..

Unknown Perspective:
"Have you got him?"
"S-s-sorry sir.. We missed our target."
"How the heck do you miss a target assassination on a 15 YEAR OLD!"

I thought boss was going to fire me. I've tried my best but I just simply couldnt shoot a 15 year old.. He has his whole life ahead of him and I can never be the man behind the gun aimed at a young man like him. I've got to admit, that boy has some serious agility and sense of combat on him.

"Uh.. Sir?"
"What on earth do you need now?!"
"Why are we even going after a 15 year old?"
"Well see, his uncle was a rival to us. He has messed up our buisness and everything has screwed up now!"
"What got the 15 year old into this..?"
"Sit down, this is gonna be a long talk.."

Waking up in the hospital while you're under constant monitering is really stressful. Turns out the bullet is still stuck inside my damn leg. I'll have to get immediate surgery for that.

Ellie and Scott came by after they heard the news. Shock has filled their face after they saw a bloody cast on my leg. Happiness has filled my heart as I saw the sight of them enter my room.

Ellie :"Gosh Jason! What happened to you?!"
Scott: "Yeah man, we need some serious explanation for this shit."

I was honestly speachless at this momemt. All what was on my mind was my mother and if she's doing okay. Yesterday's scene was too gore-filled that I cant even get it out of my mind. What scares me even more is that she was knocked out cold too.. Was it from the blood loss? Did they do something else..?

Ellie: "JASON! HELLO?"
"Sorry.. My mind just drifted off for a moment."
Ellie: "Can you now explain what happened please? Im really worried since yesterday night, I texted you a few times and you didnt reply. Thought I'd visit your house the next morning and
there was some dried blood on your carpet and the door wasn't even locked. What worried me even more is the note.."
"I'll be okay Ellie, thank you."

Silence fills the room as I started explaining my story from yesterday, Ellie had her hand on her mouth in shock while Scott was generally interested and wanted to hear more.

Scott: "Man that shit sounds so cool, You alright though?"

Ellie shot him this one disgusted look enough to silence him.

Scott and Ellie waved their goodbyes to me and continued on their daily routines while i just sat there.. motionless. Mother was all what was on my mind at that point. The longing for vengance fills my heart as I imagined someone driving a long, clean knife onto my mothers stomach. I swear to go-

??: "Mr Jason, Sorry for the abrupt appearance."
"Huh? who are you?"
??: "For now, I'm introducing myself as Mr. T and im here to deliever to you a message from someone you'd never expect. Remember yesterday night? 9mm? Rings a bell?"
"You're the shooter?"
??: "Well, not exactly.."

Mr T leaves the room as hes putting a note on my bed, curiosity fills my brain as to what this message could possibly contain.

My eyes widen as I realise whats written on this piece of now useless paper. An address was given to me and it said I should be there by 4PM tomorrow.

The Following Day:


As soon as I've been admitted out of the hospital, I rushed over to Ellie's house to tell her about the note and ask for her input on this situation.

Ellie: "I.. I really dont think you should visit that place Jason.. Im worried for you."
"I'll be fine Ellie."

I held Ellie's hand and looked her in her beautiful sky-blue eyes and smiled while assuring her of my safety. Ellie smiles as she hugs me tightly and off I went to that address.

According to my map, that address was an abandoned house which looks haunted to the point where demons dwell every bit of the house.

Stepping into this house gave a cold breeze towards my now still body. I dont know what affected me but I was motionless.. I couldnt move at all.

A man, quite short, brown hair and brown eyes approaches me and tells me to sit in the broken, dusted living room with furniture which is probably older than my grandparents combined, anxiety filled my body every time his mouth opened to speak a word.

???: "Blake's the name. Hate to break the news to you kiddo, but your family has a bad history with my associates and is deeply in dept. Oh and your mother is okay, she's resting in bed at yours."

A slight smirk goes on this mans face, why the fuck is he smiling about shitty matters like these?!

Blake: "Black car.. 9mm Pistols.."
"You were the shooter werent you? You tried taking an innocent life over... A FUCKING BUISNESS!?"

I pull out my pocket knife and stand up, teary eyed and practically screaming at this point as this feeling of revenge hits me hard.

The voice in my head speaks.

"Jason. You're better than this. Control yourself."

Blake interrupts my moment and tells me something I wanted to hear for a while now.

"You can ask me any question now. I owe you some answers."

My eyes brighten and I sit down again, clenching my pocket knife hard as words barely come out of my mouth.

My eyes widen as my questions finally get answered.

A loud door opening sound goes off and startles me as I hear the words "THIS IS THE POLICE! PUT ALL WEAPONS ASIDE OR WE WILL SHOOT!" while targeting Blake.

As we were being escorted out, Blake shook his head at me and says..

"You're a dead man Jason."

End of chapter 2
Sorry for the wait all you guys! Im back and hopefully you enjoy the upcoming chapters, All aboard the feels train.. oops?

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