Chapter 1

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Writers Note:

Hello guys! Im back with chapter 1, hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts and what should i improve this with, Thanks!

Jason, August 17th:

"Mom? How did Uncle Ben die..?"
"Motorcycle accident.."

I have never seen mother cry this much before, I felt so helpless and couldnt calm her down. Dad was out trying to find out the killer behind Uncle Bens accident as a few of walking pedestrians described this so called accident as a hit and run.

If you were to ask me if I were sad I would simply just reply with a yes, as i never really got to know Uncle Ben properly. This tragedy has been the core behind many fights between my parents and I honestly felt alone. I felt broken, hopeless and depressed.

School, 18th of August
"Hey kid! Heard that your uncle died yesterday. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah man.. Just feels like a boulder has been set on both of my shoulders."
"Im here for you man. No one this age should go through this and I'll try my best to keep your head high up and take care of you well"

He was being nice to me.. It felt weird as I never had many friends at that time and it just felt astonishing that a stranger could have that much sympathy towards someone as broken and in pieces as me.

I've later learned that this boy's name was Scott, and he was a whole grade ahead of me. I got introduced to a whole bunch of new people including this really cute girl called Ellie. She came up to me and started talking to me and comforted me on my loss. I couldnt take my eyes off hers as she had the most stunning, sparkly blue eyes i've ever layed my eyes upon.

"Jason..? Do you mind if i ask you a personal question?"
"Sure Ellie, I mean i dont mind.."
"How was it like to lose your Uncle..? I can never imagine how it is to lose someone that close!"
"Well uhm.. I wasnt exactly that close to him but his death still affected me on a very deep level."
"Oh. Im really sorry for your loss.."

Her voice was the voice of an angel, she was just attention grabbing and her tone was so smooth. She almost felt like she was perfect. I spent a while talking to her and made sure that we'd talk again. She made me feel so strong and made me forget the troubles at home. After this long schoolday ended, I offered Ellie to walk her back home after thanking Scott for helping me get around and meet new people. Ellie gracefully accepted and we started our journey back to her house.

Shortly after dropping her off to her house, I started off my own journey as it was getting late and i couldnt worry mom any longer. On the way back I've decided to take a shortcut as it was getting dark outside. It felt like someone or something was watching me as i took each step towards my house. Like a lion stalking its prey before attacking is what i could describe this feeling. Out of the blue, a black car speeds by me while two masked men had their heads outside their car shooting their 9mm. pistols at me. Andrenaline has filled my body and an overwhelming fear has struck me hard, I started running for my safety as they were hunting me down almost as wolves were chasing down their prey. I took a little detour leading to an alleyway and a bullet stuck my leg rendering me paralyzed and helpless when I saw an electical bike down the alleyway. I mustered up all my strength and got on that damn bike and rushed home as quick as possible.

Taking my first step into my house had me relieved until i walked into the living room and seeing my mother on the floor as blood filled the outside of her stomach as if she were stabbed. My eyes wandered around the room and glimpsed a hanging by a blood dripping knife on a wall saying..

You're Next.


Thanks to every reader here thats supporing me
on this journey i call "Decisions and Fate" Part 2 will be out as soon as possible and i will try my best to make the story's longer as atm im kinda busy with school but i'll still put my heart and soul into this story. Thanks to everyone here, Love you all <3

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