'Im with you'

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Tears fell from my eyes and I walked down the vacant highway. I dragged my hand across my cheeks to wipe away the wetness. I wish you where here. I miss you. I sighed and sat down against a tree that was conveniently placed on the edge of the road. I started to cry silently. After a few minutes I couldn't hold it back and was full on sobbing. It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything but the beautiful moon and twinkling stars. I got up and started walking towards the moon, wishing and hoping it will take me home. I don't even know where home is anymore. I sniffled, one of the bad things about crying. I took another rep forward, one foot after the other. Breathe, I kept telling myself. Suddenly I stubbed my foot on a rock and fell backwards and hit my head on the cement. The back of my head felt warn. Maybe I cut it. Sighing, it hurt so bad. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I looked through my contacts and found his number. My thumb hovered over the contact. I couldn't decide to call or not. Finally i slammed my thumb onto it and put the phone to my ear. It was ringing. 1...2...3 "Hello?" He said. "I need you." I whimpered. "What's wrong?! What happened?" He practically screamed, worry evident in his tone. "I was walking alone and I'm lost. I tripped and feel and I think I'm bleeding." I heard him scream what in the background. "WHERE ARE YOU!?!" He screams for real this time. I whimper and say,"Somewhere on highway 41. I'm by a tree in the middle of the road if that helps." I hear him grumble and say "fifteen minutes I'll be there." I smile, finally something good has come out of this terrible day.
Once he arrives the only three words I say to him are,"I'm with you." And he simply hugs me tightly saying he'll never let go.
346 words

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