Chapter 2

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Jade Chapter 2, a romance fiction |

Ryan Parker didn't pay much attention to the gossip going around in school. Sure he heard the stories his peers shared but he never paid any mind to them or got himself involved in those affairs. Unfortunately this piece of gossip he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. It was about Jade Wilson, the new member of student council and the girl Mrs. Sanchez wanted him to guide. He was smart enough to know that joining student council was not by choice for Jade. The way she had brushed him off indicated so. He was used to it, his peers brushing him off like that, except in student council. There he had respect. He was looked up to because he was the leader so he took his role seriously.

He was worried about Monday's meeting. He wasn't sure how the other would welcome their newest member. Jade Wilson was definitely not known for her academics although everyone knew of her. She obviously had a reputation in their school and her name, including everything she did traveled around. His peers were pretty much obsessed with her.

Ryan wasn't worried about her since he was sure she could take care of herself, but he was worried about how she would treat the other members. Jade wasn't known for being friendly to just anyone. She could be cold hearted and indifferent. However, Mrs. Sanchez did say that she had to listen to everything he said so hopefully she would amiable and behave. He was president after all so he had the upper hand. Jade Wilson, the girl who was caught doing inappropriate things in an empty classroom was not going to jeopardize his role in front of the only place he was comfortable in.

"Ryan, are you listening to me?"

Ryan shot a look at the girl next to her. "I'm sorry, Reina, what was it that you wanted?"

Reina shook her head, a frown on her face. "What's with you today, brother?" she asked her older brother.

"Nothing, I'm fine." he quickly answered. He wasn't going to tell his sister that he was worried about Jade Wilson's behavior.

Reina shot him a look that said she didn't believe him but she let it go. "I said what time do you get out of practice today?"

"I won't be out until 6 so you should ask Sandra for a ride now."

"Ok, see you later." Reina waved at her brother before rushing through the hall to find her friend.

Ryan continued on his path toward his locker but his steps faltered once he noticed who was in his direction.

Jade Wilson looked unaffected by the looks being thrown in her direction and the whispers going around regarding the events that unfolded the previous day. She had her friend Jasmine Rushmore by her side who glared at anyone who looked at them. Ryan fell victim to the glare and quickly averted his gaze as they passed him, Jade not even sparing him a glance.

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair and continued to his locker, wandering why he had wanted Jade Wilson to look at him.


The day had gone relatively fast. Ryan walked toward room 259 and once he was in there, he greeted some of the few members who had gotten there before him. He took his usual seat and like always Wendy Stearns was already seated next to his seat with her signature grin. "Hi, Ryan." she smiled at him.

He nodded at her. "Wendy, how was your day?" he politely asked.

So she talked about her day like she always did, starting with her first period class and going through the entire day as the room started to fill in. At around 3:01 all of the members were present and Ryan excused himself from Wendy before standing up to tend to his duties.

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