Chapter 20

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Jade Chapter 20, a romance fiction|

Later after the game, Jade set out to do what she had decided to. After dropping, Tara, Kayla and Joyce at home, she drove over to Jasmine's. As she rang the doorbell, she remembered the last time she was there and what Jasmine had said to her. Jade had hurt her. Even though she had accepted the apology, Jasmine had decided that they were too different to be friends again. Jade didn't believe that.

This time, it wasn't Jasmine who answered. Mrs. Rushmore greeted her. "Jade! Long time no see, come on in."

Jade plastered a smile and stepped inside. Apparently Jasmine hadn't mentioned their falling out to her mother, and Jade wasn't going to be the one to break the news either.

"Is Jas in?" She asked, getting straight to it.

Mrs. Rushmore nodded. "Yeah, she's up in her room. You wouldn't happen to know who gave her that nasty bruise on her face, would you? She mentioned something about an altercation with some girl over the weekend."

Jade shook her head, a picture of innocence, glad that her own bruise from the punch she had gotten earlier that night was hidden by her makeup. "No, I wasn't there."

"Well, whoever it was, I hope they know that karma comes back around. They 'll get what's coming to them," Mrs. Rushmore said.

Jade didn't comment. "Um, I'm going to go up to talk to her."

"Oh, sure. Go ahead," Mrs. Rushmore waved her off. "And stop being a stranger, Jade, I miss seeing you around here." She smiled.

Jade smiled back as well, this time a genuine one. Mrs. Rushmore had always been nice to her. The woman had always made her feel welcome and treated her as her own daughter. She felt bad for lying but things had changed. Things she was trying to fix.

She made her way up the stairs, still familiar with the layout of the house. Jasmine's room was at the end of the hall.

She walked to it and knocked on the door, too late to back out.

"Come in!" Jasmine's voice yelled out.

Jade doubted that would have been her response if she had known who was on the other side of the door.

Jade opened the door and walked in, carefully closing it behind her.

Jasmine's eyes widened in surprise when she saw who it was. She was sitting on her bed, a book open in front of her but her eyes were now focused on her ex best friend.

"What are you doing here?" Her surprised quickly faded and her face immediately hardened.

Jade stepped further inside the room, her gaze wandering around. Nothing had changed. Everything still looked the same in there, including the picture of her, Jasmine and Monica smiling toward the camera sitting on her night stand.

Jasmine noticed Jade's gaze on the picture but didn't bring it up.

"What do you want, Jade?" Jasmine asked again.

Jade stared at the picture again for a few seconds before looking at Jasmine. "Are you in on it too?" She asked her.

Jasmine frowned. "In on what?"

Jade scowled, remembering the altercation that happened earlier. "Don't play with me, Jasmine. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Jasmine scowled back, suddenly getting up from her bed and facing Jade head on. "Don't you dare come into my house and make accusations at me again, Jade, I might have let it go the first time but don't count on it this time."

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